
文章时间:2019-02-20 01:19:49   浏览次数:1486

Epoxy flooring has been used for anti-corrosion, wear-resistant and skid-resistant functional flooring since its inception. It has developed into a general industrial flooring. Besides functional requirements, it also has decorative effect. It has attracted the attention of people and has been developed rapidly. This article from the perspective of cost workers on the epoxy floor technology and cost summary analysis! 一、地下車庫地坪常見做法
I. Common Practices of Underground Garage Floor
1.金剛砂耐磨地坪(不做詳述): 是國內對耐磨硬化地坪的俗稱,外企將其稱為“地面硬化劑”。具有耐磨抗壓,減少灰塵,表面堅硬,容易清潔,經濟耐用等優點。由於施工便捷、無污染、價格低廉使用壽命長等特點使其在長三角、珠三角等沿海工業經濟相對發達的城市取得瞭驚人的發展速度,如今在國內已經普及。
1. Diamond abrasion-resistant floor (without detailed description): It is commonly known as abrasion-resistant hardening floor in China, which is called "ground hardening agent" by foreign enterprises. It has the advantages of wear resistance, compression resistance, dust reduction, hard surface, easy cleaning, economy and durability. Because of its convenient construction, pollution-free, low price and long service life, it has achieved amazing development speed in coastal cities with relatively developed industrial economy such as the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta, and now it has been popularized in China.
2. Epoxy resin flooring: Since its introduction into China, it has been widely used in all walks of life, and has played an important role in the production of enterprises with high-quality performance. The utility model relates to a high strength, wear-resistant and beautiful floor, which has the advantages of seamless, solid texture, good resistance, anti-corrosion, dust-proof, convenient maintenance and low maintenance cost.
3.混凝土密封固化劑地坪(不做詳述):是二戰後由一名德國科學傢在美國加利福尼亞州發明,經進過幾十年的發展,其配方以從鈉基型逐步改進成鋰基矽酸鹽原料但現在市場上基本上沒有真正的鋰基水溶劑,配以獨特的催化劑高溫乳化而成。密封防塵、硬化耐磨 永久的光澤 抗老化性能好施工方便,過程环保(無色、無味)降低維護費用,一次施工,永久防護。
3. Concrete Sealing and Curing Agent Floor (not detailed): It was invented by a German scientist in California, USA after World War II. After decades of development, its formulation was gradually improved from sodium-based to lithium-based silicate raw materials, but there is basically no real lithium-based water-soluble agent in the market, which was emulsified by a unique catalyst at high temperature. Sealing, dust-proof, hardening, wear-resisting, permanent gloss, anti-aging performance, easy construction, process environmental protection (colorless, tasteless) to reduce maintenance costs, a construction, permanent protection.
II. Epoxy Floor Construction
1. Plain ground treatment: use a grinder to grind the compact base, clean the ground and smooth the ground.
2. Epoxy primer: mix epoxy resin and curing agent in the right proportion and mix them with scraper or roller to seal them.
3. Intermediate coating of mortar: mix epoxy resin and curing agent in the right proportion, mix and mix them with a certain proportion of quartz sand and use a trowel to open evenly according to the designed thickness. After the Mid-coating is dry and solidified, use grinding to smooth the hangings and particles on the surface.
4. Epoxy putty: mix epoxy resin and quartz powder in the right proportion and evenly scrape on the ground with batch knife to increase the combination between middle coating and surface layer, and further adjust the levelness of the ground. According to the actual needs of construction times, requirements to achieve flat without holes, no batch of knife prints and sanding printing shall prevail.
5. Epoxy topcoat: The epoxy floor topcoat material is stirred evenly and then mixed with curing agent. The roller is fully stirred and coated evenly. After the first coat is dried and solidified, the sec透水地坪ond coat is applied, and the self-flow surface is coated once with a trowel scraper.
Application of National Standard List and Quota Applying for Epoxy Floor (Take Shanghai as an Example)
1. According to the Code for Calculating the Quantity of Building and Decoration Works (GB50500-2013), the following list can be applied to epoxy floor projects:
2.根據《上海市建築和裝飾工程預算定額》(SH 01-31-2016)环氧地坪工程可套用如下定額:
2. According to the Budget Quota of Shanghai Construction and Decoration Engineering (SH 01-31-2016), the following quotas can be applied to the epoxy floor project:
3. List of Epoxy Floor Projects and Examples of Shanghai Quota Applying
IV. Cost of Epoxy Floor
Unit Price Factors Affecting Epoxy Floor
It is concluded that the unit price of epoxy fl环氧地坪oor can be determined by the following six main factors:
1. 厚度:环氧地坪的總厚度對單價有著絕對性地影響
1. Thickness: The total thickness of the epoxy floor has an absolute effect on unit price.
2. 工程規模:环氧地坪施工的工程規模影響著环氧地坪的報價
2. Project Scale: The Project Scale of Epoxy Floor Construction Affects the Price of Epoxy Floor
3. 环氧樹脂漆用料:每層环氧樹脂的塗佈率影響著环氧地坪的單價
3. Epoxy Resin Paint Material: The coating rate of each layer of epoxy resin affects the unit price of the epoxy floor.
4. 地坪的施工工藝:环氧地坪中層遍數、基層處理要求等等施工工藝影響著环氧地坪的報價
4. Construction technology of epoxy flooring: the number of times of middle flooring, the requirement of base treatment and so on affect the quotation of epoxy flooring.
5. 部位:环氧地坪施工於地庫,塔樓樓梯間等都影響著环氧地坪報價
5. Location: The construction of epoxy flooring in the reservoir, tower stairwell and so on all affect the quotation of epoxy flooring.
6. 品牌:环氧樹脂漆的品牌檔位高低影響著环氧地坪的單價。
6. Brand: The grade of epoxy paint affects the unit price of epoxy floor.
V. Concept and Characteristics of Epoxy Floor
Epoxy flooring is a kind of epoxy flooring paint, which is made of epoxy resin as main material, curing agent, diluent, solvent, dispersant, defoamer and some fillers. Combining with specific flooring construction technology, the flooring is decorated and constructed on site.
Epoxy floors are classified as solvent-based epoxy floors, solvent-free epoxy floors and water-based epoxy floors according to the state of paint. Solvent-based epoxy flooring is commonly used in the construction of ground warehouse flooring.
Technical characteristics of 1 epoxy floor
a) 良好的耐磨性能
A) Good wear resistance
b) 良好的抗碾壓性能
B) Good roll resistance
c) 優異的防滲透性能
C) Excellent impermeability
d) 中等條件下的防腐蝕性能
D) Corrosion Resistance under Medium Conditions
e) 附著力良好,保證瞭塗層不龜裂、不脫落
E) Good adhesion to ensure that the coating does not crack and fall off
f) 外觀平滑整潔,便於清潔維護
F) Smooth and tidy appearance for easy cleaning and maintenance
g) 費用較低。
G) Low cost.
2 Performance Index of Epoxy Floor
VI. Ground Design of Epoxy Floor
According to the National Architectural Standard Design Atlas of Building Ground Construction (12J304), the architectural design of monolithic floors, such as epoxy coatings, is as follows:
1. Epoxy paint floor
2. Epoxy coated floor (with waterproof layer)
Epoxy floor is a kind of floor with high strength, wear resistance and beautiful appearance. It has the advantages of seamless, solid texture, good resistance to drug, anti-corrosion, dust-proof, convenient maintenance and low maintenance cost. It is suitable for various venues, such as workshop, parking lot, machine room, warehouse, laboratory, ward, operating room, workshop, etc.