
文章时间:2019-02-02 14:15:01   浏览次数:1403

环氧地坪漆一般分為环氧地坪底漆,起封閉地面作用,要求滲透性好,耐堿性好和粘接性好。地坪中塗漆,對地坪修補找平,刮抹為主起塗層承上啟下和降低成本的作用。地坪面塗料,根據使用 要求,具有較高的強度,耐磨和特殊功能。如防腐蝕、耐油、防滑、防靜電等。1.裝飾性地坪漆,以美化、休閑、裝飾為主,具有防滲、防塵。便於消毒和清潔的功能。常見品種是水性和溶劑型丙烯酸地坪漆,普通型环氧地坪漆、聚氨酯地坪漆、水性环氧地坪漆、彩砂彩石地坪漆、花紋地坪漆、大理石地坪漆、室外用丙烯酯聚氨酯地坪漆等。 適用於展廳展館,商場超市、候機樓、公園、貨場、輕載工業廠房地坪。
Floor paint is generally divided into flooring primer, which plays a role of sealing the ground, requires good permeability, good alkali resistance and good adhesion. Painting in the floor, repairing and leveling the floor, scraping plays the role of linking the coating up and down and reducing costs. Floor coating, according to the use requirements, has high strength, wear resistance and special functions. Such as anti-corrosion, oil resistance, anti-skid, anti-static and so on. 1. Decorative floor paint, mainly beautifying, leisure and decoration, with anti-seepage, dust. Easy to disinfect and clean. The common varieties are water-borne and solvent-based acrylic floor paint, ordinary epoxy floor paint, polyurethane floor paint, water-borne epoxy floor paint, coloured sand and coloured stone floor paint, pattern floor paint, marble floor paint, outdoor acrylic ester polyurethane floor paint, etc. It is suitable for the floor of exhibition halls, supermarkets, terminal buildings, parks, freight yards and light-duty industrial plants.
2.耐重載地坪漆,混凝土和地瓷磚抗沖擊性差,表面破損後,修補困難,為瞭增強表面抗沖擊性、耐磨性,常用环氧砂漿环氧地坪地坪漆,無溶劑环氧自流平地坪漆,非金屬或金屬骨料地 坪塗料。這部份地坪漆選用於機械制造,飛機機庫、汽車制造、停車場、車庫、汽車修理廠、貨倉、車道、碼頭、鐵路車箱地板、公交車輛地板等的塗裝。
2. Heavy-duty floor paint, poor impact resistance of concrete and floor tiles, difficult to repair after surface damage, in order to enhance the surface impact resistance, wear resistance, commonly used epoxy mortar floor paint, solvent-free epoxy self-leveling floor paint, non-metallic or metal aggregate floor paint. This part of floor paint is used in machinery manufacturing, aircraft garage, car manufacturing, parking lot, garage, car repair plant, warehouse, lane, wharf, railway box floor, bus floor and so on.
3. Antiseptic floor paint, contact with acid, alkali, salt, sewage, oil, solvents and other chemical media. Traditional floors are corrosion-resistant. To prevent concrete floors or buildings from being eroded, it is necessary to use anti-corrosion or heavy-duty anti-corrosion floor paint. Varieties include vinyl ester heavy-duty anti-corrosion floor paint, epoxy phenolic heat-resistant floor paint, chlorinated polyolefin anti-corrosion floor paint, epoxy glass floor paint, epoxy polyurethane anti-corrosion floor paint, epoxy oil-resistant floor paint and epoxy polyurethane oil-resistant floor paint. This kind of floor paint is used in chemical plant, oil depot machinery manufacturing plant and other floor painting.
4.防靜電地坪漆,提供抗靜電功能的塗料。要求地坪表面電阻為2.5×104~1.0×109Ω.可有效泄露電荷、清除靜電積累和電磁幹擾。按美國材料和試驗協會標準(ASTM),防靜電地坪 分三種:導靜電地板(ECF,表面電阻為2.5 ×104和1.0× 109Ω);靜電耗散地板(DIF,表面電阻為1.0× l06的1.0× 109Ω),難起靜電地板(ASF,表面電阻為1.0×106~1.0× 109Ω)。目前,國內常用導電包核雲母粉,導電氧化鋅、導電纖維生產丙烯酸防靜電塗料、环氧防靜電塗料、环氧防靜電自流平塗料,這類地坪漆選用於電子、通訊、精密儀器、粉體制造和軍工生產等領域。
4. Anti-static floor paint, providing anti-static paint. The surface resistance of the floor is required to be 2.5 *104~1.0 *109_. It can effectively leak charge, eliminate static accumulation and electromagnetic interference. According to ASTM, there are three kinds of anti-static floors: electrostatic conductive floors (ECF, surface resistance 2.5 *104 and 1.0 *109_); electrostatic dissipative floors (DIF, surface resistance 1.0 *l06, 1.0 *109_), difficult to start electrostatic floors (ASF, surface resistance 1.0 *106~1.0 *109_). At present, conductive core-coated mica powder, conductive zinc oxide and conductive fibers are commonly used to produce acrylic anti-static coatings, epoxy anti-static coatings and epoxy anti-static self-leveling coatings. These floor coatings are used in the fields of electronics, communications, precision instruments, powder manufacturing and military production.
5. Anti-skid floor pai透水地坪nt, in the presence of water or oil, in order to prevent slip, need to increase friction coefficient, reduce accidents at work, there are now epoxy anti-skid floor paint, polyurethane anti-skid paint.
6. Elastic floor paint, with tensile strength over 1 Mpa, breaking elongation over 50%, glass transition temperature below room temperature, has a rubber feel on the floor, after the removal of external force, the coating can be restored to its original state. There are often polyether polyurethane elastic floor paint, polyester polyurethane elastic floor paint, polyurea elastomer floor paint and so on. Elastic floor paint is mainly used for sports ground (badminton court, tennis court), runway, gym, pedestrian passage, traveling lang, overpass, but also for hospital, geriatric hospital, pharmaceutical workshop, food workshop, beverage workshop, warehouse and other ground laying, anti-skid and anti-collision, reduce damage.
7. Special function floor paint, including high temperature resistant floor paint, impact spark resistant floor paint, mildew resistant floor paint, etc.