
文章时间:2019-02-06 14:26:53   浏览次数:1496

If the base surface is not treated, the following impacts will be caused on the epoxy floor: 1. The dust is serious, there are many sand gravel plain ground on the plain surface, and the gravel gravel represents that the plain ground is not solid enough, the strength is not up to the lowest standard C25 of the epoxy floor paint construction, and the construction of the epoxy floor paint on the loose plain ground will affect the floor paint. Adhesion with the base, and sand and gravel will also hinder the evenness of the floor, easily lead to delamination of the floor, so the loose concrete layer must be removed before the construction of epoxy floor. 2、坑窪較多,並且每個坑窪坑空的深淺不一而素地出現深淺大小不一的坑窪坑洞,則需要對其進行清除並且填充彌補,否則容易在地坪施工完成後,坑洞的地方則變成瞭空鼓的地方,當在進行高強沖擊力的作業時,就容易使得地坪出現斷裂等情況。
2. There are many pits and holes with different depths and sizes, which need to be cleared and filled. Otherwise, after the construction of the floor, the place of the pit will become empty and bulging. When the high-impact operation is carried out, the floor will easily break.
3. The ground is easy to slip. Oil pollution is the most common condition in the plain land with oil pollution, which is the most important factor affecting the adhesion of floor coatings. Floor paint has penetration ability, and the coating can penetrate through small holes in plain ground, which improves the bonding skills between plain ground and floor paint. However, the existence of oil pollution closes the space of tiny holes, making the floor coating can not bond well with the plain ground, and the area with oil pollution is easy to fall off.
Therefore, dirty ground will affect its adhesion, epoxy flooring needs to be treated before construction, so as to highlight the characteristics of epoxy flooring paint, as well as the floor to achieve smooth, seamless, bright and beautiful effect.
How to deal with the base surface correctly?
First of all, look at the requirements of the ground floor construction:
l 混凝土強度要求C25以上;
The strength of concrete should be above C25.
l 建議混凝土做原漿收光;
It is suggested that concrete should be used as raw paste to collect light.
l 首層建議做防水、防潮處理;
The first floor suggests waterproof and moisture-proof treatment.
l 平整度要求2M靠尺最大高差小於3㎜;
The flatness requires that the maximum height difference of 2M footage is less than 3 inches.
l 施工溫度一般5°C以上,濕度要低於85%;
The construction temperature is generally above 5 degree C and the humidity is below 85%.
l 新澆築混凝土需養護到表面充分幹燥後方可施工。
The newly poured concrete needs to be maintained until the surface is fully dried before it can be constructed.
Base surface treatment steps:
Preliminary cleaning
1. Clean up the garbage on the ground with a broom.
2、有水的地方首先應該切斷水源,並清除表層積水, 再設法使地面幹燥(如果待施工地面為一樓或地下室,還應考慮是否需做防水、防潮處理);
2. Where there is water, the water source should be cut off first, and the surface water should be removed, then the ground should be dried (if the ground is to be constructed on the first floor or basement, the need for waterproof and moisture-proof treatment should also be considered);
3. Check the effect of waterproof and damp-proof. (a) Not to meet the requirements of waterproof and moisture-proof, do not make coating. B. When testing, each 100 square meters is covered with one square meter of nylon film, and all around is sealed with tape paper. After 48 hours, see if the color changes. Darker colours or droplets of water indicate a failure to moistureproof.
4. Use organic solvents (e.g. Tiannashui, xylene, etc.) to clean and dry oil-stained areas.
5、有油漆或其它不明污染物的地方應作適當處理,其方法有打磨, 有機溶劑擦洗等;
5. Where there are paints or other unknown pollutants, proper treatment should be made by grinding, scrubbing with organic solvents, etc.
6. According to the actual situation, do you need to do another cleaning?
Ground grinding
1. Full grinding with vacuum grinder:
For terrazzo base surface and smooth and compact cement base surface, appropriate roughness is provided.
①去除表面不易清掃的浮塵且打毛基面, 以增強塗層與地面的結合力;
(1) Remove the surface dust which is not easy to clean and polish the base surface, so as to enhance the adhesion between the coating and the ground;
②將待處理基面的高低不平處基本磨平, 起找平作用。
(2) Leveling the unevenness of the base surface to be treated.
2. Hand grinder grinding:
對於大打磨機打不到的地方或打不掉之油污等可用手磨機打磨, 註意應選用專用砂輪片。
Special grinding wheels should be selected for grinding where the large grinder can't be used or oil stain can't be removed by hand grinder.
3. Sandpaper grinding:
For areas where large grinders and hand grinders can not be polished, or where hand grinders are not necessary, such as under the production line, sandpaper grinding or wire brush treatment can be used to achieve grinding effect.
Detail processing
再次清掃, 貼保護膠紙:
Clean up again and stick protective tape:
1、徹底清理地面灰塵,對於不易清潔的衛生死角, 可用吸塵器吸塵;
1. Clean up the ground dust thoroughly. For the sanitary dead corner which is not easy to clean, vacuum cleaner can be used.
2. Cover the wall foot, machine foot, or other protected areas with tape paper for protection.
Old ground treatment:
If the ground is old ground, the following treatment shall be carried out:
1. Waterborne rigid mortar is used for filling and repairing rou透水地坪gh ground to meet the requirements of ground leveling.
2. To repair wider cracks and pits, it is better to use quick-drying solvent-free epoxy resin coatings mixed with quartz sand.
3. For expansion joints, first clean the debris inside, and then use quick-drying solvent-free epoxy resin mixed with quartz sand to repair.
4. For small cracks, the grinder should be used to cut into V-grooves and the fast-drying solvent-free epoxy mortar should be used to grout the cracks.
5. After curing, sandpaper is used to polish and smooth the ground.
3. According to the actual situation, do you need to do another cleaning?
7. If it is an old ground, remove the base (old paint, empty drum, shell) with a shovel knife and then clean and polish it.