
文章时间:2019-01-31 14:14:02   浏览次数:1389

According to experts from China Epoxy Resin Industry Association, there are many main construction procedures for epoxy floor construction. First, the base surface is treated. First, the base surface is preliminarily cleaned before the construction, so that the working face is fully exposed. Second, the base surface condition investigation carries out a comprehensive and meticulous inspection of the working face through on-site testing tools, and makes detailed records. The ground construction is a concealed worker. Therefore, the condition of the base must be clearly investigated and recorded (which can be decomposed into several drawings). The size of the base should be shown separately on the drawings (accurate to centimeters). Thirdly, the treatment of adhesives on the base often leaves cement dust in construction, especially the floating slurry (cement free alkaline crystals) on the new construction surface. These adhesives need to be electrically operated before coating construction. The more thorough method of removing tools or knives is mild sand blasting. The mortar, clay, cement foam and oil stains adhering to the base surface sh印花地坪ould be thoroughly removed, especially the oil stains should be washed and fully dried after being washed with detergent. Fourthly, local grinding and overall grinding should be used to thoroughly grind the base surface which is not ideal for the old smoothness. Grinding and dust collection; Fifth, the treatment of surface defects (shelling, cracks, notches). Shelling is the condition that the joint surface of concrete and mortar is peeled off without good adhesion (if the whole joint surface is peeled off, the mortar should be removed completely and then re-coated. 如隻是一部分有剝離的話可以用樹脂註漿的方法來補修),裂縫往往是由起殼而發生的修補時沿著裂縫部分用電動切割機開1分米左右寬度的U型槽並用樹脂砂漿來填補槽,缺口是基層面的一部分發生凹窩的狀態(處理方法是把粉塵等臟物吸掃幹凈,用樹脂膠泥抹平:六是護面主要是為瞭防止施工邊緣部分玷污及保持完全直線(或與不塗部分的分界線)應貼護面膠帶,這道工序在底塗、中塗及面塗施工之前都要仔細完成。
If only part of the crack is peeled off, it can be repaired by resin grouting. When the crack is repaired by shell-lifting, the U-shaped groove with a width of about 1 centimetre is opened along the crack with an electric cutting machine and filled with resin mortar. The groove is a concave state occurring in a part of the basic level (the treatment method is to clean up the dust and other dirt, and smooth it with resin mortar:6 The main purpose of the cover is to prevent the staining of the construction edge and to maintain a complete straight line (or the boundary between the non-coated and non-coated parts), the cover tape should be affixed. This process should be carefully completed before the construction of primer, middle coat and surface coat.

The main material and curing agent of epoxy self-leveling floor are proportionally matched (refer to the manufa彩色沥清地坪cturer's product instructions). The mixed primer is evenly stirred by hand-held electric mixer on the clean and dust-absorbing base surface. The primer is evenly coated with rubber scraper or roller to fully penetrate the base. The amount of epoxy self-leveling floor is generally 0.15-0.2 kg per square metre (very smooth base layer). As long as 0.1 kg, the maintenance time of primer is generally 12 hours after confirming the solidification state for the next process of construction. The middle layer is a cement layer or mortar layer which is further processed for the base layer with uneven or partial defects. Requirements according to the actual situation of the site preparation (generally determined by the construction party after the site survey), terrazzo base can only be used as cement layer, not mortar layer, the middle layer should be maintained for more than 24 hours in summer, longer in winter, to be completely solidified after polishing, dust absorption.