
文章时间:2019-01-31 14:12:54   浏览次数:1387

As a new type of coatings with environmental protection, epoxy flooring is being recognized by more and more consumers. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has also issued policies to encourage the development of waterborne coatings. Compared with traditional solvent coatings, formaldehyde, aromatic hydrocarbons and other harmful substances are greatly reduced. The transformation and development of waterborne paint industry will effectively resolve the phenomenon of formaldehyde exceeding the standard in the past, restore market confidence and eliminate the shadow of formaldehyde in consumers'minds, thus transforming the current sluggish paint market. 另外,环氧地坪塗料業長期以來溶劑型塗料和油性塗料占據市場“半壁江山”的格局,也是“甲醛問題”頻發的原因之一。落後產能、影響环境的傳統塗料生產技術得不到轉型,以及低門檻、低水準的行業門檻,加之塗料品類的日漸增多而相關技術指標和行業標準無法到位的種種原因,給瞭“甲醛問題”生生不息的罪惡土壤。還有監管部門檢測手段透水地坪的滯後性,以及發現問題後處罰力度的薄弱,也讓一些不良商傢有機可乘。
In addition, solvent-based coatings and oil-based coatings have occupied the market for a long time, which is also one of the reasons for the frequent occurrence of formaldehyde problems. The backward production capacity, the traditional paint production technology that affects the environment can not be transformed, and the low threshold and low level of industry threshold, together with the increasing categories of coatings and the various reasons why the relevant technical indicators and industry standards can not be put in place, have given the "formaldehyde problem" a perennial evil soil. There is also the lag of the monitoring means of the regulatory authorities, and the weak penalty after finding the problem, which also allows some bad businesses to take advantage of.

Therefore, epoxy floor coating enterprises must join the green building materials industry, increase efforts to invest in scientific research and technological upgrading, and pay more attention to environmental protection and health in the production and management concept. Only by conforming to the market trend, can we not be eliminated on environmental protection issues, and can the paint industry get sound and long-term development.

"Excessive formaldehyde" is not an overnight problem in epoxy floor coating industry. From the random inspection and inspection of epoxy floor coatings and building materials in various provinces in each quarter, to the frequent use problems in the news media, the poisoning incidents caused by paint decoration, the haze of "excessive formaldehyde" is always lingering.

And this also makes some epoxy-coated flooring brands nailed to the stigma pillar of consumer reputation, frustrated market confidence and reduced the industry reputation. Is it because formaldehyde is needed in paint formulation, the problem of formaldehyde exceeding the standard can not be solved? No, we know that many paint brands have withstood the test of regulatory authorities and the market. The attribution of the problem lies in the self-discipline and responsibility consciousness of enterprises, and in the ignorance of laws and regulations and the rights and interests of consumers.