
文章时间:2018-12-23 23:56:34   浏览次数:1251

對於高壓離心風機的防護需要註意些什麼呢?這就是本期離心風機廠傢要為大傢講解的相關問題:1) 對於壓力,為瞭防止馬達負載過重,比較常使用的是釋壓閥,它是一個卸荷閥,如果當高壓離心風機的使用壓力超過釋壓閥設定的壓力之後,釋壓閥就會自動打開,把其中多餘的壓力釋放掉,從而防止長期極限壓力導致軸功率加大損壞。
What should we pay attention to for the protection of high-pressure centrifugal fan? This is the related problem that the manufacturer of centrifugal fan will explain for you in this period: 1) For pressure, in order to prevent motor from overloading, the pressure relief valve is commonly used. It is a unloading valve. If the pressure of high-pressure centrifugal fan exceeds the pressure set by the pressure relief valve, the pressure relief valve will automatically open and release the excess pressure, so as to prevent the long-term limit. Pressure leads to increased shaft power damage.
(2) 對於粉塵,由於高壓離心風機內部的機構比較緊密,其風機葉輪和機殼間隙很小,要過濾雜物和粉塵常使用的是過濾器。因為不透水地坪同的使用現場,使用的過濾濾芯的過濾精度往往不同,維護方法和使用壽命也不相同,所以在與風機廠傢訂貨的時候就需要問清楚。
(2) For dust, because the internal mechanism of the high-pressure centrifugal fan is relatively close, the clearance between the impeller and the casing of the fan is very small. The filter is often used to filter impurities and dust. Because the filtering accuracy of the filter element used is often different and the maintenance method and service life are different in different use sites, it is necessary to ask clearly when ordering with the fan manufacturer.
(3) When high-pressure centrifugal fans are used in some special occasions, special protection should also be given to the fans themselves: for example, when they are used in closed-loop environment, attention should be paid to the ventilation and heat dissipation of the environment; especially when the ambient temperature is relatively high, attention should be paid to ventilation and heat dissipation, or the fans with higher intake temperature should be selected.