
文章时间:2019-01-29 13:47:05   浏览次数:1343

During the construction of epoxy flooring, it is strictly carried out in accordance with the standards. As long as these factors are paid more attention in use, the service 透水地坪life of epoxy flooring can be effectively prolonged. With the development of economy and the progress of society, epoxy flooring has been widely used. Many users reflect that the service life of epoxy flooring is very short. In fact, there are many factors affecting the service life of epoxy flooring. Then Shanghai Xiyu Flooring Company will introduce the factors affecting the service life of epoxy flooring. 1、环氧地坪的質量與品種如何?环氧地坪的質量如何是決定它壽命長短的主要因素,因為不同質量、不同類型、不同制作材印花地坪料的环氧地坪它的使用壽命都是不太一樣的,如环氧樹脂薄塗地坪、环氧樹脂耐壓砂漿地坪、环氧樹脂自流平地坪等等。當然每種都有各自的優缺點,所以我們要使用环氧地坪時一定要選擇適合自己的。
1. How about the quality and variety of epoxy flooring? The quality of epoxy floor is the main factor to determine its life, because the life of epoxy floor with different quality, different types and different materials is not the same, such as epoxy resin thin coated floor, epoxy resin pressure-resistant mortar floor, epoxy resin self-leveling floor and so on. Of course, each has its own advantages and disadvantages, so when we want to use epoxy flooring, we must choose the right one for ourselves.
2. The use of epoxy floor? Daily use of epoxy flooring will cause some wear and tear, so we must mainly use some matters, not heavy pressure, not to use corrosive things, various forklifts, hydraulic trucks, etc.
3. Finally, the maintenance of epoxy flooring? It is indispensable to maintain epoxy flooring for a longer service life. Avoiding sharp things scratching the surface of the flooring, regular maintenance and cleaning are all ways to prolong the service life of epoxy flooring.