
文章时间:2018-12-23 23:59:40   浏览次数:1240

如何解決離心風機的噪音問題呢?這就是今天離心風機廠傢要為大傢講解的相關問題瞭.安裝消聲裝置:離心風機在高速旋轉時會產生強烈的空氣動力性噪聲,為阻止聲音向 外傳播同時不阻礙氣流通過,在離心風機氣流通道上安裝消聲裝置,使離心風機的空氣動力性噪聲得到控制。
1. Installation of anechoic device: centrifugal fan produces strong aerodynamic noise when it rotates at high speed. In order to prevent sound from spreading outward without obstructing airflow passage, anechoic device is installed on the airflow passage of centrifugal fan to control the aerodynamic noise of centrifugal fan.
2、安裝隔聲裝置:隔聲是噪聲控制工程中常用的技術措施,利用墻體各種板材及構 件作為屏蔽物或利用維護結構,把噪聲控制在一定范圍之內,使噪聲 在傳播中受阻而不能順利通過,從而達到降低噪聲的目的。
2. Installation of sound insulation device: Sound insulation is a common technical measure in noise control engineering. It uses various panels and components of wa透水地坪lls as shield or maintenance structure to control noise within a certain range, so that noise can not pass smoothly in transmission, thus achieving the purpose of reducing noise.
3、利用吸聲材料:在墻面或頂棚上飾以吸聲材料、吸聲結構或在空間懸掛吸聲板, 吸聲體混合聲就會被吸收掉。在吸聲降噪方法中吸聲材料很重要,需 根據實地噪聲源分析選用合理材料。
3. Utilize sound-absorbing materials: Decorate the wall or ceiling with sound-absorbing materials, sound-absorbing structures or suspend sound-absorbing panels in space, and the sound-absorbing mixtures will be absorbed. Sound-absorbing materials are very important in sound absorption and noise reductio印花地坪n methods. Reasonable materials should be selected according to the analysis of noise sources in the field.