
文章时间:2018-11-20 01:25:36   浏览次数:1219

生物質熱風爐技術特點:1、爐排下面有獨立調節風室,兩側進風;采用新型曲臂螺桿調節結構,從而使調風通風截面比達到100%;調節靈活,佈風均勻。設計推拉式閘板清灰裝置,閘板采用耐熱鑄鐵精加工密封結構,從而有效防止二次燃燒變形和爐排漏風。 2、兩翼煙道成都收賬設置,使煙氣順利進入前煙箱,使之前管板溫度相同,避免因溫度應力而產生管板裂紋。
Technical characteristics of biomass hot blast stove: 1. There are independent air chambers under the grate with air inlet on both sides; a new type of crank screw adjusting structure is adopted to make the cross-section ratio of air-conditioning ventilation reach 100%; the adjustment is flexible and the air distribution is uniform. Push-pull type gate ash cleaning device is designed. The gate adopts heat-resistant cast iron finishing sealing structure, so as to effectively prevent secondary combustion deformation and grate air leakage. 2. The installation of two-wing flue makes the flue gas enter the front smoke box smoothly, so that the temperature of the front tube sheet is the same and the cracks of the tube sheet caused by the temperature stress are avoided.
3. The single-return threaded flue gas pipe is used in the pot drum, which strengthens the heat transfer effect. At the same time, the threaded flue gas pipe has the function of self-cleaning and avoids the accumulation of ash in the flue gas pipe.
4. The front and rear arches of 10t/h series hot blast stoves adopt the integral pouring structure supported by water wall tubes to form permanent arches. The arch design adopts the latest scientific research achievements of the National Science and Technology Progress Second Prize of Xi'an Jiaotong University. The back arch is low and long, the exit section is anti-inclined, and the front arch inclination angle is 45 degrees, which corresponds to the back arch. It forms an obvious inverted "alpha" flame, which is conducive to the combustion of inferior coal and has strong adaptability to coal types.
5. The design of side seal structure of grate is advanced and reasonable, which avoids the defect of side seal card, uneven air distribution on both sides of grate and burning side seal. 40 t/h and below hot blast stoves adopt side-sealed cold-angle steel rib structure, and 6 t/h hot blast stoves adopt contact side-sealed lower sealing structure.
6. By pulling part 透水地坪of riser on both sides of header toward the hearth, then introducing the lower side of the drum and supplemented by heat insulation and whole casting at the bottom of the drum to form the heating surface of the top of the furnace, the new furnace structure successfully solves the problem that the bottom of the drum is directly exposed to high temperature flame radiation and avoids the "bulging" defect.