
文章时间:2018-11-20 01:27:51   浏览次数:1259

1. The combustion process of biomass on vibrating grate. The combustion of biomass can be divided into three stages: preheating ignition stage, volatile combustion stage and carbon combustion stage. The combustion process of biomass on the vibrating grate can be divided into preheating and drying zone, combustion zone and burnout zone, which can correspond to the high, middle and low end of the vibrating grate. According to the combustion characteristics of each zone, the air volume needed in each zone is different. The air volume in the preheating drying zone and the burnout zone is less, and the air volume in the combustion zone is larger. The combustion of fuel particles in the hot blast stove with vibrating grate can be divided into two types: the combustion of large particles on the grate and the suspension combustion of small particles in the upper space of the grate during pneumatic seeding. 2.生物質在爐排上完全燃燒的條件
2. the c环氧地坪ondition of biomass burning completely on the grate.
The sign of good combustion in the furnace is to approach complete combustion as close as possible without slagging in the furnace, while ensuring faster combustion speed and achieving the highest combustion efficiency.
(1) adequate supply and adequate air volume.
If印花地坪 the excess air coefficient is too small, that is, insufficient air supply, it will increase the heat loss Q4 of solid incomplete combustion and the heat loss Q3 of combustible gas incomplete combustion, which will reduce the combustion efficiency; if the excess air coefficient is too large, it will reduce the furnace temperature and increase the heat loss of incomplete combustion. The best excess air coefficient makes the sum of q2+q3+q4 minimum.
(2) raise the furnace temperature appropriately.
According to Arrhenius's law, the rate of combustion reaction is exponentially related to temperature. In order to ensure furnace hearth not slagging, raise furnace temperature as much as possible.
(3) good disturbance and mixing in furnace.
In the stage of ignition and combustion, the full mixing of air and fuel should be ensured, and in the stage of burnout, the disturbance mixing should be strengthened.
(4) fuel has sufficient residence time in the grate and in the furnace.
(5) maintain a reasonable position of the flame front. The flame front should be located between the high-end grate and the middle grate, and the flame fills well on the grate.