The date of receipt of the burning manuscript of hot blast stove: 2000-Hot blast stove is a kind of heat energy conversion equipment. The price of hot blast stove mainly changes from "pot" to heat energy. After being absorbed by "pot" internal energy-consuming working substance (water), it produces hot water or steam with certain parameters and quantity, which is widely used in various departments of national economy and people's livelihood. Living and welfare undertakings. The fuel used in hot stove is divided into three kinds: solid fuel, liquid fuel and gas fuel.
目前我國有大小熱風爐40多萬臺,絕大部份是固體燃料,熱風熱風爐價格而熱風爐收賬燃煤技術還很落後,其中耗煤炭產量三分之一成都找人公司中小型火電廠成都找人公司,工業成都***的年均熱效率隻有50%~60%遠遠達不到設計能力,能源浪費和环境污染相當嚴重。而采暖成都***由於管理和操作上的種種原因,所造成的浪費和污染更突出。據過去調查哈爾濱市區現有1t/h以上的熱風爐6781臺,年耗標煤約370多萬噸,最近我們對哈爾濱市房地局和市政府開發辦系統4t/h以上的采暖熱風爐又做瞭一次調查,市房地局系統現有4t/h以上采暖熱風爐386臺,年耗煤36萬噸,市政府開發辦系統有55臺,年耗煤2265萬噸。所有這些都是能源消耗和环境污染的主要原因。以环境污染為例,中國溫室氣體排放量占全球溫室氣體排放總量的比重,由1950年的1. 4%上升到1990年的10%,近幾年由於改革開放,工農業飛速發展,所消耗的能源量也大大增加,這樣所造成的污染也隨之增大,因此,努力提高熱風爐的燃燒技術是解決目前世界存在的人口、資源和环境三大難題中後兩項的重要措施。
At present, there are more than 400,000 hot stoves in China, most of them are solid fuels. The price of hot stoves and the coal-burning technology of hot stoves are still very backward. Among them, the average annual thermal efficiency of industrial hot stoves is only 50%~60% which consumes one third of the coal output. It is far from the design capacity, energy waste and ring. Environmental pollution is quite serious. Due to various reasons of management and operation, the waste heat and pollution caused by the heating stove are more prominent. According to the past investigation, there are 6781 hot-blast stoves over 1 t/h in Harbin urban area, which consume about 37 million tons of coal per year. Recently, we made another investigation on the heating hot-blast stoves over 4 t/h in the development and operation system of Harbi环氧地坪n Real Estate Bureau and Municipal Government. There are 386 hot-blast stoves over 4 t/h in the system of Harbin Real Estate Bureau, which consume 360,000 tons of coal per year and municipal government. The government development office system has 55 units, and coal consumption is 22 million 650 thousand tons per year. All these are the main causes of energy consumption and environmental pollution. Taking environmental pollution as an example, China's greenhouse gas emissions accounted for 10% of the total global greenhouse gas emissions, up from 1.4% in 1950 to 10% in 1990. In recent years, due to the reform and opening up, the rapid development of industry and agriculture, the consumption of energy has greatly increased, and the resulting pollution has also increased. Therefore, efforts have been made to increase heat. Blast furnace combustion technology is an important measure to solve the last two of the three major problems of population, resources and environment in the world.
The fuel of coal-fired hot stove is coal, and coal is composed of five components, carbon, hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen and nitrogen. Carbon is the main component of coal, including hydrocarbons in fixed carbon and volatile matter. It is the main heating element of coal. Carbon dioxide is produced when it burns completely, which can emit a lot of heat. Carbon monoxide is produced when it burns incompletely, but only a small amount of heat is released. Hydrogen can self ignite and accelerate the ignition of coal. Sulphur is also a combustible component of coal, which emits heat and produces sulphur dioxide, sulphur trioxide and iron oxide. When combined with steam, they are foggy sulphuric acid or sulfuric acid. Oxygen can assist combustion but not spontaneous combustion. Nitrogen can neither support combustion nor spontaneous combustion, and it combines with some oxygen and carbon in coal to form non-combustible compounds, which will reduce th彩色沥清地坪e calorific value of coal. At the same time, nitrogen will be discharged along with other gases, and the heat loss of flue gas will also be increased.
In the process of coal combustion, hot stove is also divided into five processes, namely drying, decomposition, ignition, fuel and burnout.
The drying process of coal is the stage of water evaporation in coal. The more water the coal has, the longer the heating and drying stage will last. The decomposition of coal in hot blast stove price is to decompose volatile matter after drying. Hydrocarbons in volatile matter will decompose to form tiny carbon particles, called carbon black, if they are in the absence of oxygen, and some of them will form black smoke with the flue gas.
After the volatile fractal is formed, the ignition is called ignition, and the temperature at which the volatile matter ignites is called ignition point. The ignition point of different coal types is different. Firstly, combustion begins with the separation of volatile matter. Oxygen is consumed largely because volatile matter first touches oxygen, which affects the contact between oxygen and coke surface. When volatile matter is burned out, coke is heated to a certain temperature. At this time, oxygen and coke contact carbon combustion in large quantities and emit a lot of heat. Coke combustion develops gradually from the surface of coke particles to the interior. Therefore, the combustion of coke needs a certain time.
In fact, fuel saving and environmental protection improvement are mainly determined by the structure of hot stove, the use of fuel and the management of operation.
From the analysis of coal composition and combustion process of hot blast stove, we know clearly that although there are many ways to improve operation efficiency and reduce environmental pollution, the main aspects are fuel nature and hot blast stove structure.
Harbin Municipal Government, according to the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the requirement of "one control and two standards" put forward by the State Council before 2000, (one control refers to the total amount of pollutants discharged, and two standards refer to the industrial pollution sources and the urban environmental functions meeting the standards), combines with local conditions. According to the actual situation, it is proposed to improve quality, reduce consumption and increase economic efficiency and social benefits, either by eliminating pollution or by calling on enterprises to eliminate pollution. Mayor Cao Guangliang clearly pointed out that "double-standard" is the key point for every enterprise to break through, and that the main leadership responsibility for the failure of the task in 2000 should be investigated and the pollutant discharge exceeded the standard. Enterprises must rectify within a time limit, and if they fail to meet the requirements, they must stop production. According to these requirements, the Municipal Economic and Trade Commission, Environmental Protection Bureau and other units have organized the implementation plan successively. During 1999-2000, our city forcibly promoted that coal-fired hot stoves under 1 t/h must burn briquette, chain hot stoves above 4 t/h must be changed into "stratified combustion device". At the same time, 11 quality control measures for briquette of industrial hot stoves in Harbin have been formulated. Item index.
粒度:機燒爐最大不超過25mm,手燒爐最大不超過35mm,3mm以下少於10%6mm以上不少於70% 5米高度,水泥地面自然下落三次,仍符合規定的粒度要求。
Particle size: the maximum size of the machine-fired stove is not more than 25 mm, the maximum size of the hand-fired stove is not more than 35 mm, the height of the hand-fired stove is less than 10% 6 mm or more is not less than 70% 5 meters, and the cement floor falls three times naturally, which still meets the prescribed particle size requirements.