The thermal efficiency of a hot stove refers to the percentage of effective heat in the he印花地坪at delivered by the fuel. The heat of the fuel is fed into the hot stove, most of which is absorbed by the heated surface of the hot stove and produces steam. This is the effective heat used. Another part of the heat is lost. This part of the heat is called heat loss. Vacuum hot blast stove operates at rated efficiency. The exhaust gas temperature is 185 ~C, and the exhaust gas temperature is better than the national sta环氧地坪ndard below 220 ~C. It shows that the heat of fuel combustion is absorbed by circulating water of the system, and the thermal efficiency is higher than the national standard (87-88%).
真空熱風爐運行費用與系統功能、負荷大小、供暖面積、使用時間等都有關系。以北京地區為例,根據燃氣到戶後燃燒平均熱值8500 kcal/Nm3計算,散熱器采暖一個采暖季節運行費用理論值大約為18.02元/m2.根據實際工程使用統計,一個采暖季節運行費用為17元/m2左右。
The operation cost of vacuum hot blast stove is related to system function, load, heating area and service time. Taking Beijing as an example, according to the calculation of the average calorific value of combustion after gas arrives at home, the theoretical value of operating cost of radiator heating in a heating season is about 18.02 yuan/m2. According to the actual engineering statistics, the operating cost of a heating season is about 17 yuan/m2.