
文章时间:2018-11-15 00:57:13   浏览次数:1245

Working Principle of Tobacco Hot Blast Furnace: This hot blast stove combines combustion and heat transfer as one of the latest indirect heating technologies for heat transfer in the high temperature part of the furnace body. The heating of smoke and air is absolutely pollution-free, with high thermal efficiency (up to 60-75%), fast heating, small size, convenient installation, reliable use and low price (with a ton of hot blast stove). Compared with the heating system, the heating system is only half the price of the heating system. 煙草熱風爐收賬性能特點:采取瞭耐高溫措施,從而使其壽命比列管式熱風爐大大延長,並采用瞭煙氣縱向沖刷散熱片和負壓式排煙方式,換熱部位不積灰塵,無須清理,熱性能穩定。可用各種煤或柴作燃料,並配有二次進風裝置燃燒完全。該熱風爐成都找人公司各項技術經濟指標均達到瞭國內領先水平。
Performance characteristics of tobacco hot-blast stove: high temperature resistance measures were adopted, which greatly prolonged its service life compared with tubular hot-blast stove. Longitudinal flue gas scouring radiator and negative pressure smoke exhaust mode were adopted. No dust was accumulated in the heat transfer part, n印花地坪o cleaning was needed, and the thermal performance was stable. All kinds of coal or firewood can be used as fuel and equipped with two intake devices for complete combustion. The technical and economic indexes of the hot stove reach the leading level in China.