
文章时间:2018-11-13 00:49:34   浏览次数:1223

操作過程中 , 一般均不需向熱風爐內進水 , 特別是因缺水或滿水所造成的事故而緊急停爐時 , 嚴禁向熱風爐內進水 , 防止熱風爐內溫度、壓力突然變化而擴大事故或蒸汽大量帶水使管道內發生水錘。緊急停爐操作的註意事項 : 緊急停爐操作的目的是為瞭防止事故的進一步擴大 , 盡量減少事故損失和危害。因此 , 在采取緊急停爐操作時 , 應保持鎮靜 , 先判明原因 , 再針對直接原因采取措施。以上隻是一般操作步驟 , 特殊情況還是要應變處理。
During operation, it is generally not necessary to feed water into the hot blast stove, especially when the stoppage is emergency due to water shortage or water filling, it is strictly prohibited to feed water into the hot blast stove, so as to prevent the sudden change of temperature and pressure in the hot blast stove from enlarging the accident or large amount of steam carrying water to cause water hammer in the pipeline. Cautions for emergency shutdown operation: The purpose of emergency shutdown operation is to prevent further expansion of accidents and minimize accident losses and hazards. Therefore, when taking emergency shutdown operation, we should keep calm, first identify the reasons, and then take measures against the direct reasons. These are only general procedures, and special situations should be handled with strain.
緊急停爐是熱風爐發生事故 , 或出現事故隱患有可能危及人身與設備安全時 , 采取的緊急處理措施 , 緊急停爐也叫事故停爐。蒸汽熱風爐運行中 , 遇有下列情況之一時 , 應立即停爐 :
Emergency stoppage is an emergency measure taken when an accident occurs in a hot blast stove or when there is环氧地坪 a hidden accident that may endanger the safety of people and equipment. Emergency stoppage is also called accident stoppage. In the operation of a steam hot stove, it should be stopped immediately if there are any of the following situations: (1)熱風爐水位低於水位表的下部可見邊緣 ;
(1) the lower edge of the hot-water stove is lower than the bottom of the water gauge.
(2) 不斷加大給水及采取其他措施 , 但水位仍繼續下降 ;
(2) water 印花地坪supply and other measures should be constantly increased, but the water level will continue to decline.
(3)熱風爐水位超過最高可見水位 ( 滿水 ), 經放水仍不能見到水位 ;
(3) the water level of the hot blast stove exceeds the highest visible water level (full water), and the water level is still not visible after discharge.
(4) 給水泵全部失效或給水系統故障 , 不能向鍋內進水 ;
(4) failure of water pump or failure of water supply system can not inflow water into the boiler.
(5) 水位表或安全閥全部失效 ;
(5) all water level meters or safety valves are invalid.
(6) 熱風爐元件損壞 , 危及運行人員安全 ;
(6) the damage of hot stove components endangers the safety of the operators.
(7) 燃燒設備損壞 , 爐墻倒塌或熱風爐構架被燒紅等 , 嚴重威脅熱風爐安全運行 ;
(7) The damage of combustion equipment, the collapse of furnace wall or the red burning of hot blast stove frame seriously threaten the safe operation of hot blast stove.
(8) 其他異常情況危及熱風爐安全運行。
(8) other abnormal situations jeopardize the safe operation of hot stove.
緊急停爐操作程序 :
Emergency shutdown procedure:
(1) 立即停止給煤和送風 , 減少引風 ;
(1) stop coal and air supply immediately and reduce air draught.
(2) 迅速清出爐內燃煤 , 將火熄滅 ;
(2) quickly remove the coal from the furnace and extinguish the fire.
(3) 迅速關閉熱風爐出口主汽閥 , 開啟排汽閥、安全閥 , 降低蒸汽壓力 ;
(3) close the main steam valve at the outlet of the hot blast stove, open the exhaust valve and safety valve, and reduce the steam pressure.
(4)爐火熄滅後 , 開啟省煤器旁通煙道擋板 , 關閉主煙道擋板 , 打開灰門和爐門 , 促進空氣流通 ,加速冷卻。
(4) After the fire is extinguished, open the bypass flue baffle of economizer, close the main flue baffle, open the ash door and furnace door, promote air circulation and accelerate cooling.