
文章时间:2018-11-13 00:48:17   浏览次数:1203

熱風爐因負荷減少、采暖期結束及檢修等原因 , 有計劃的進行停爐 , 叫做正常停爐。燃煤熱風爐在燃燒過程中,溫度是非常高的。那麼在我們在正常停爐時,應如何操作?又有哪些應註意的?熱風爐正常停爐的操作方法 :
Hot blast stove stoppage is called normal stoppage because of load reduction, heating period ending and maintenance. During the combustion process, the temperature of the coal fired hot blast stove is very high. How should we operate when we stop the furnace normally? What should we pay attention to?
Normal shutdown method:
(1) 先降低熱風爐的蒸發量 , 然後停止給煤。
(1) reduce the evaporation of the hot stove first and then stop the coal.
(2) 機械爐排應預先停止向熱風爐上煤 , 待煤鬥內的存煤全部送人爐膛後 , 停止爐排轉動 ; 煤粉爐將磨煤機內的煤 , 全部磨成煤粉噴人爐內 , 燒完為止 ( 煤粉爐和沸騰爐按暫時停 爐步驟進行停爐 ) 。然後 , 將煤鬥內剩煤全部清除 , 關閉煤閘板。
(2) The mechanical grate should stop feeding coal to the hot blast stove beforehand, and stop the grate rotation after all the coal stored in the coal hopper is delivered to the furnace; the pulverized coal furnace grinds all the coal in the pulverized c透水地坪oal mill into pulverized coal injection into the furnace and burns it up (pulverized coal furnace and fluidized bed furnace are shut down temporarily). Then, the remaining coal in the coal scuttle is removed and the coal gate is closed.
(3) 當火勢減小到微弱狀態時 , 關閉供汽閥 , 停止送汽 ; 待煤燒完 , 停止鼓離心風機、引風機 , 適當關小熱風爐出口煙道擋 板和爐排下的通風門 , 改用自然通風 , 使爐排上的煤燒完 , 同時將自動給水改為手動給水 , 保持熱風爐水位稍高於正常水位。
(3) When the fire situation decreases to a weak state, close the steam supply valve and stop the steam supply; when the coal is burnt out, stop the centrifugal blower and induced draft fan, properly close the flue baffle at the outlet of the small hot stove and the ventilation door under the grate, and use natural ventilation to burn out the coal on the grate. At the same time, change the automatic water supply to manual water supply to keep the water supply of the hot stove. The position is slightly higher than the normal water level.
(4) 關閉熱風爐出口煙道擋板、爐排下的通風調節門和爐門 , 將爐排上的爐渣清除 ( 機械爐排則啟動爐排 , 將灰渣送入灰渣牛內 , 並繼續運轉約 1h, 以冷卻爐排 ), 清除灰鬥和各風室內的積灰。
(4) Close the baffle of the outlet flue of the hot blast stove, the ventilation regulating door and the furnace door under the grate, and remove the slag from the grate (the mechanical grate starts the grate, feeds the slag into the ash cattle, and continues to run for about 1 hour to cool the grate), and remove the ash accumulation in the ash hopper and the air chambers.
(5)燃煤熱風爐停止供汽時 , 還要關閉隔絕閥 , 與蒸汽母管隔絕。有過熱器的熱風爐 , 應開啟過熱器出口集箱疏水閥30~50 min, 以冷卻過熱器 , 同時關閉連續排污閥。
(5) when the coal-fired hot blast stove stops supplying steam, it also needs to close the isolation valve and isolate it from the steam main pipe. The outlet header trap of superheater should be opened for 30 to 50 minutes in order to cool the superheater and close the continuous drain valve at the same time.
(6) 汽壓下降不可以太快, 不能使熱風爐快速冷卻 , 汽壓未降到大氣壓力時 , 運行人員仍應對熱風爐加以監視。
(6) Steam pressure can't drop too fast and can't cool the hot stove quickly. When the steam pressure does not drop to atmospheric pressure, operators should still monitor the hot stove.
(7) 停爐後熱風爐緩慢冷卻 , 經過 4~6h 後 , 逐漸開啟煙道擋板通風。有旁通煙道的熱風爐 , 應打開旁通煙道 , 關閉鑄鐵省煤器煙道擋板 , 但熱風爐上水仍應經過省煤器 ; 如元旁通煙道 , 應開啟省煤器再循环管路閥門 , 並監視省煤器出口水溫應比熱風爐汽壓下相應的飽和溫度低 40 攝氏度。若水溫高於這一溫度 , 可適當地采用放水、上水來降溫。熱風爐經過 8~10 h 停爐後。如需加速冷卻時 , 可啟動引風機 , 並適當增加放水和 上水的次數。停爐 18~24h 後 , 鍋水溫度低於 70 攝氏度時 , 方可將鍋水全部放出。為使放水工作順利進行 , 應打開鍋筒的空氣閥或抬起一個安全閥。
(7) after the furnace is stopped, the hot blast stove is slowly cooled, and after 4~6h, the ventilation of the flue duct is gradually opened. Hot blast stove with bypass flue should open bypass flue and close the baffle of cast iron economizer flue, but the upper water of hot blast stove should pass through economizer; if bypass flue is Yuan, the valve of economizer recirculation pipeline should be opened, and the outlet water temperature of economizer should be monitored to be 40 degrees below the corresponding saturation temperature under steam pressure of hot blast stove. If the water temperature is higher than this temperature, the water can be appropriately used to cool down. The hot blast stove is stopped after 8~10 H. If accelerating cooling is needed, the induced draft fan can be activated and the number of water discharge and water supply shall be increased appropriately. After the 18~24h is stopped, the boiler water can be released completely when the pot water temperature is below 70 degrees Celsius. To make the water discharge work smoothly, the air valve of the boiler should be opened or a safety valve should be raised.
(8) 熱風爐放水之後 , 應將蒸汽、給 水、排 污等管路與其他並列運行的熱風爐 , 用堵板 ( 盲板 ) 全部隔絕 ,方可進入爐內進行工作。
(8) After the hot-blast stove discharges water, steam, water supply and sewage pipes should be separated from other parallel hot-blast stoves, so that they can enter the stove for work.
停爐註意环氧地坪事項 :
Points for attention:
1) 停爐前應對煙道進行一次吹掃。
1) blow out the flue before stopping.
2) 停爐前應對熱風爐各部位進行一次較詳細的檢查 , 記下設備缺陷 , 以便停爐後處理。
2) Before stopping the stove, a detailed inspection should be carried out on all parts of the stove, and equipment defects should be recorded so as to facilitate the post-treatment of stopping the stove.
3) 停爐操作中應隨時註意水位變化 , 避免缺水或滿水事故的發生。
3) during the shutdown operation, attention should be paid to water level changes at any time to avoid water shortage or full water accidents.