
文章时间:2018-11-13 00:52:27   浏览次数:1215

Life and production will require large heat energy. After the utilization rate of coal-fired steam hot stove is low, the gas-fired hot stove has begun to occupy a large market. In each big hot stove market, the gas-fired hot stove has a great demand. Therefore, in order to meet the market demand, the major hot stove manufacturers have also developed a lot of them. Various kinds of gas-fired hot stoves and various kinds of gas-fired hot stoves have been put into mass production in order to meet people's various needs. For the current market, gas-fired hot stove is a very good hot stove energy-saving and environmental protection, and high efficiency, but to make the hot stove better use, we need to pay attention to the installation of hot stoves. 這裡首先不談熱風爐本身的質量和品牌,再好的燃氣熱風爐如果在安裝的時候不把熱風爐安裝到位,正確的安裝好,那麼在使用的時候想完美的使用也是不可能的。在安裝熱風爐前需要有一定的方案佈置,確定熱風爐房的位置,熱風爐房的大小,還有熱風爐房的高度等等,因為熱風爐都是用來提供熱能的,所以熱風爐房的溫度是非常好的,所以安裝好的熱風爐要留有充分的過道,保證通風還有行人的經過。並且最好選擇在行人經過比較少的位置。
First of all, we don't talk about the quality and brand of the hot stove itself. The best gas hot stove is impossible to use perfectly if the hot stove is not installed in place and installed correctly. Before installing the hot blast stove, we need to have a certain plan layout, determine the location of the hot blast stove room, the size of the hot blast stove room, and the height of the hot blast stove room, etc. Because the hot blast stove is used to provide heat energy, so the temperature of the hot blast stove room is very good, so the installed hot blast stove should have sufficient passageway to ensure the passage through. Wind and pedestrians pass by. And it is best to choose p透水地坪edestrians in relatively few places.
In the next step of installation, we should also pay attention to the problem of ventilation, because the use of gas hot stoves will produce a large number of fumes, even if each gas hot stove has a special smoke exhaust facilities, but still pay attention to the problem of ventilation during installation. Note that ventilation has two advantages: first, it is conducive to smoke emissions; second, it can keep the temperature in the hot stove room, so that the temperature is too high, making people feel uncomfortable in it.
Only by installing the hot stove can we ensure the better operation of the hot stove. And if it is gas pressure steam hot stove, it must be licensed company to install, if it is atmospheric pressure hot stove, ordinary installation team can install, but hot stoves are large equipment, it is best to ask qualified companies to install and regular maintenance.