
文章时间:2018-11-11 02:49:54   浏览次数:1218

燃煤蒸汽熱風爐工作原理: 燃煤蒸汽熱風爐是煙煤,無煙煤及生物質作為燃料,在爐內燃燒並釋放出熱量,加熱鍋筒內的水,並使其汽化成蒸汽的熱能轉換設備。水在鍋(鍋筒)中不斷被爐爐膛內燃料燃燒釋放出來的能量加熱,溫度升高並產生帶壓蒸汽,由於水的沸點隨壓力的升高而升高,鍋筒是密封的,水蒸氣在裡面的膨脹受到限制而產生壓力形成熱動力(嚴格的說熱風爐的水蒸汽是水在鍋筒中定壓加熱至飽和水再汽化形成的)作為一種能源廣泛使用。熱風爐主要由鍋殼和爐膽兩大主體和保證其安全經濟連續運行的附件,儀表附屬設備,自控和保護系統等構成。這種熱風爐是帶水冷璧的鍋筒式熱風爐,鍋筒內左右分區安排兩個回程的煙火管,在鍋筒前部的前煙箱折返。鍋筒和下連箱之間,有下降管和水冷璧管,構成燃燒室的框架。鍋筒上部有汽水分離器,以減少水蒸汽帶出的水。鍋體受熱面是鍋筒的下部,水冷璧管(上升管)和螺紋煙管(火管)。 燃煤蒸汽熱風爐基本組件,大體可分為主要部件和輔助設備兩個方面。 熱風爐的主要部件有:
The working principle of coal-fired steam hot-blast stove: coal-fired steam hot-blast stove is a heat conversion equipment that uses bituminous coal, anthracite and biomass as fuel, burns in the furnace and releases heat, heats water in the drum and vaporizes it into steam. Water in the pot (drum) is continuously heated by the energy released from the combustion of fuel in the furnace, the temperature rises and produces pressurized steam. As the boiling point of water rises with the increase of pressure, the drum is sealed, and the expansion of water vapor in the drum is limited, resulting in pressure to form thermal power (strictly speaking, the steam of hot stove). It is widely used as an energy source when water is heated to saturated water and vaporized in a drum. The hot blast stove is mainly composed of two main parts, the shell and the gallbladder, and accessories to ensure its safe and economic continuous operation, instrumentation accessories, automatic control and protection system, etc. This kind of hot blast stove is a pot drum type hot blast stove with water cooling. Two return pyrotechnic pipes are arranged in the left and right parts of the pot drum, and the front smoke box in the front of the pot drum is turned back. Between the drum and the lower connecting box, there are downcomer and water cooling pipe, which constitute the frame of the combustion chamber. The upper part of the drum has a steam water separator to reduce the water brought out by steam. The heating surface of the boiler body is the lower part of the boiler barrel, the water cooling pipe (rising pipe) and the thread smoke pipe (fire tube). The basic components of coal-fired steam hot blast stove can be divided into two main parts: main parts and auxiliary equipment. The main components of the hot stove are: 1、爐膛:保證熱風爐燃料燃盡並使出口煙氣溫度冷卻到對流受熱面能夠安全工作的數值;
1. Furnace: To ensure that the hot stove fuel burns out and the outlet flue gas temperature is cooled to the convective heating surface to work safely;
2. Economizer: Use the heat of the flue gas at the tail of the hot blast stove to heat the water supply, so as 环氧地坪to reduce the exhaust temperature and save fuel.
3. Boiler: The heating surfaces of the hot blast stove are connected together and water-cooled wall, descending pipe and other components constitute a water circulation loop. Steam water can be stored in the drum to adapt to the change of load. Steam water separator is installed inside to ensure the quality of steam water. There is no drum in the DC hot blast stove.
4. Water-cooled wall (riser): the main radiation heating surface of hot blast stove, absorbing radiation heat from furnace, heating working medium, protecting furnace wall, etc.
5. Combustion equipment: the fuel and air needed for combustion are fed into the furnace and the fuel is ignited stably and burned well.
6. Air preheater: Heating air for fuel to enhance ignition and combustion; Absorbing waste heat of flue gas, reducing exhaust temperature and improving efficiency of hot blast stove.
7. The furnace wall is the protective shell of the hot blast stove, which plays the role of sealing and heat preservation. The heavy furnace walls of small hot blast stoves can also support the components of hot blast stoves.
8、構架:支承和固定熱風爐印花地坪部件, 熱風爐的輔助設備主要有:
8. Frame: supporting and fixing hot stove components.
1. Induced draft equipment: the smoke produced in the operation of the hot blast stove is sent to the atmosphere by introducing centrifugal blower and chimney.
2. Dust removal equipment: remove fly ash from the flue gas of hot blast stove.
3, fuel supply equipment: storage and transportation of fuel function.
4, water supply equipment: feed water pump will be treated by water treatment equipment after the water supply into the hot stove.
5. Dust removal and deslagging equipment: remove ash from hot blast stove and carry away it.
6. Air supply equipment: air heated by air preheater is transported to furnace and coal grinding device by air supply fan.
7. Automatic control equipment: automatic detection, program control, automatic protection and automatic adjustment.