燃氣熱風爐和燃煤熱風爐那個更好性價比更高,更劃算? 使用過燃氣熱風爐和燃煤熱風爐的客戶會知道通常燃煤熱風爐效率隻有75%左右,而燃氣熱風爐效率 在90%左右,如果用產生計算,燃煤熱風爐產生1噸消耗標煤量是燃氣熱風爐的1.29倍。隻考慮 到燃料成本,用目前的市場價計算(煤1000元/噸,天然氣3元/立方),還是用煤熱風爐劃算,燃料成 本隻有燃氣熱風爐的75%。那麼到底是燃氣熱風爐和燃煤熱風爐那個更加劃算呢? 下面小編就來從以下幾個方面來闡述那個更加劃算?
Gas hot stove and coal-fired hot stove are better and cost-effective. Customers who use gas-fired hot stoves and coal-fired hot stoves will know that the efficiency of coal-fired hot stoves is only about 75%, while that of gas-fired hot stoves is about 90%. If production calculation is used, the standard coal consumption of coal-fired hot stoves is 1.29 times that of gas-fired hot stoves. Considering only the cost of fuel, the current market price (coal 1000 yuan/ton, natural gas 3 yuan/cubic meter) or the cost of coal hot-blast stove is only 75% of that of gas hot-blast stove. So what is the more cost-effective of the gas hot stove and the coal-fired hot stove? The following Xiaobian came from the following aspects to explain that more cost-effective? 第一個:首先是采購的成本價格 因為燃氣熱風爐在技術以及配套輔機上明顯領先於燃煤熱風爐,並且配有專用的燃氣燃燒機,不 說其他,單此一個燃燒機的價格就把這個成本給拉開瞭。一般來說:同樣噸位的熱風爐,燃氣鍋 爐要比燃煤熱風爐價格高上約30%左右,這樣看來燃氣熱風爐的價格要略高些。
Firstly, the cost price of purchasing is because the gas hot-blast stove is obviously ahead of 彩色沥清地坪the coal-fired hot-blast stove in technology and auxiliary equipment, and equipped with a dedicated gas burner, not to mention other things, the price of a single burner pulls this cost away. Generally speaking: the same tonnage of hot air stove, gas boiler than coal-fired hot air stove price is about 30% higher, so it seems that the price of gas hot air stove is slightly higher.
第二個:其次是熱風爐設備的安裝成本 安裝成本主要體現在熱風爐房和熱風爐管道的資金投入。燃氣熱風爐是全自動控爐因為相應輔機設 備較多,並具有自動報警、自動保護功能。接上天然氣管道後,燃燒器會自動供氣可以有效的節約工 作人員的成本支出。燃煤熱風爐因為需要上煤程序,所以在人員工資方面支出會大一些,同時燃煤 鍋在熱風爐房建設資金要多一些。這樣燃煤鍋的花銷成本要略顯高一些。
Secondly, the installation cost of hot-blast stove equipment is mainly reflected in the investment of hot-blast stove house and hot-blast stove pipeline. Gas hot blast stove is fully automatic because there are many auxiliary equipments, and it has the functions of automatic alarm and automatic protection. When connected to the natural gas pipeline, the burner will automatically supply gas, which can effectively save the cost of staff. Coal-fired hot-blast stove because of the need for coal-feeding procedures, so the expenditure on staff salaries will be larger, while coal-fired boiler in hot-blast stove room construction funds will be more. So the cost of coal burning is slightly higher.
第三個:要從燃料的成本價格來考慮 根據調查顯示,在一些不發達城市地區环境保護不是很重視的城市對燃煤熱風爐更加親睞,因為燃煤鍋 爐的一次性投資比例小,再者就是燃煤熱風爐本身操作簡單。但是在一些發達城市,人們的考慮會有所 不同,燃煤熱風爐的生產的同時會產生廢渣、廢氣、廢水等污染环境,給人們的長久生活帶來危害。而 燃氣熱風爐具有占地面積少、排放污染少的優點,而且熱風爐房設置費用並不是最高,天然氣使用後燃料價 格下降,運行費用比燃油熱風爐還低。這次比較主要還是看城市的發展程度,還有人們的需求。 總結:以上三個主要觀點僅是一些參考,相信大傢看瞭以後會對這個行情有一定的瞭解,具體不能 說哪個好哪個壞,隻能是根據目前客戶的投資欲望還有結合目前的城市發展來考慮。最後,河南太康 熱風爐廠還是提醒朋友們,購買熱風爐還是要具體參考實際情況,聯系正規企業購買,另外一點燃煤熱風爐 的生產產生的的一些硫化物會污染环境,但是這一點大傢可以放心,已經取得瞭節能型循环流化床熱風爐的科研技術,該項技術已經在生產投入使用當中。
Third: Considering the cost and price of fuel, according to the survey, in some cities where environmental protection is not very important in undeveloped cities, coal-fired hot stoves are more popular, because the one-time investment proportion of coa印花地坪l-fired boilers is small, and the coal-fired hot stoves themselves are simple to operate. But in some developed cities, people will think differently. The production of coal-fired hot blast stove will produce waste residue, waste gas, waste water and other pollution to the environment, which will bring harm to people's long-term life. Gas-fired hot-blast stove has the advantages of less floor area and less emission pollution, and the installation cost of hot-blast stove house is not the highest. After natural gas is used, the fuel price decreases and the operation cost is lower than that of oil-fired hot-blast stove. This comparison mainly depends on the degree of urban development and people's needs. Summary: The above three main points are only some references. I believe that you will have a certain understanding of the market after reading them. Specifically, we can not say which is good or bad. We can only consider it according to the investment desire of current customers and the current urban development. Finally, Henan Taikang Hot Blast Furnace Factory reminds friends that the purchase of hot blast stoves should refer to the actual situation and be purchased by regular enterprises. In addition, some sulfides produced by the production of coal-fired hot blast stoves will pollute the environment, but you can rest assured that energy-saving circulating fluidized bed hot air has been achieved. The technology of the furnace has been put into use in production.