
文章时间:2018-11-14 01:49:49   浏览次数:1170

As a heating device, the use of coal fired hot blast stove is also cyclical. Every year in the cold season, when the equipment is fully functional, it will go to sleep when the chill goes away. So what should we pay attention印花地坪 to when we start using hot stove every year? 1.在每一次休眠過後第一次使用的時候,我們都應該對燃燒室以及凈化室等高溫區域進行耐高溫防護措施,主要是耐火磚與耐火泥。在初次使用時,爐膛的溫度不宜上升過高過快,以免耐火材料的表面出現裂紋甚至發生崩裂的情況。
1. When we use it for the first time af环氧地坪ter each dormancy, we should take high temperature protection measures for high temperature areas such as combustion chamber and purification chamber, mainly refractory bricks and refractory mud. In the initial use, the furnace temperature should not rise too high or too fast to avoid cracks or even cracks on the surface of refractories.
2. there is a difference between the use of coal for the first time and the furnace that has been used for a period of time. For the first time, it is better to use some good quality coal. Not only to improve the efficiency of coal combustion, it is more important to choose the right coal. After calculation, we found that the coal with a diameter of 50-60mm is the best to burn in a coal-fired hot blast stove. For common fixed grate stoves, all kinds of bituminous coal, anthracite and lignite are available.
3 .對煙筒的處理,長時間不使用,煙筒很可能會出現一些對於煙氣的處理問題。一般易度推薦的是濕法脫硫方法,這也是行業的主流方法。此外,對於煙氣除塵方法我們采用的水膜除塵器。
3. For the treatment of flue gas, if the flue gas is not used for a long time, there may be some problems in the treatment of flue gas. The general recommendation is wet desulphurization, which is also the mainstream method in the industry. In addition, we use the water film dust collector for flue gas dedusting.