
文章时间:2018-11-10 01:40:22   浏览次数:1200

With the improvement of people's appearance requirements, people's requirements for the epoxy floor of parking lot are no longer just for durability, but also put forward higher requirements for its appearance. In the future application process, the epoxy floor will not show fading, discoloration and other issues. It is almost impossible to remain ambitious in the real environment. Even so, it is still necessary to make good preparations for the fading of epoxy flooring and extend its service life as far as possible. This is to introduce a few tips for preventing the color change of epoxy floor. 根據需要挑選塗料配方中的樹脂和顏料,塗猜中單個顏料的耐光和耐熱性欠好,有些樹脂耐候性較差,遇到光易變黃。金屬粉末顏料在貯存中,受环氧地坪中殘存遊離酸的腐蝕,將會發烏變綠。復色漆中幾種顏料的密度不同,在貯存中重質顏料逐步下沉,輕質顏料逐步上浮,運用時如不充沛拌和均勻,施工後會和原色不符。酸值較高的清漆容易與鐵質包裝桶發作化學反應莽撞清漆透明度下降,色彩變深。在环氧地坪漆施工調色時禁止不通過實驗,就隨意將兩種不同類型的塗料調配混合調色運用。部分顏料會發作化學改變,失掉顏料固有的上色力,引起褪色或變色。如含有鐵藍的藍色或綠色漆,在貯存進程中會褪色,但施工後暴露在空氣中的顏料會逐步康復。
Resins and pigments in paint formulation are selected according to need. The light and heat resistance of single pigments are not good. Some resins have poor weather resistance and are liable to yellowing when exposed to light. Metal powder pigments in storage will suffer from corrosion of residual free acid in the epoxy floor and will turn black to green. The density of several kinds of pigments in multicolor paints is different. Heavy pigments gradually sink in storage and light pigments gradually float. If they are not fully mixed and evenly used, they will not match the original color after construction. The varnish with higher acid value is easy to react with iron packaging barrel. The transparency of varnish decreases and the color becomes darker. It is forbidden to mix two different types of coatings at will without experimenting in the construction of epoxy floor paint. 环氧地坪Some pigments will undergo chemical changes and lose the inherent coloring force of the pigment, resulting in fading or discoloration. Blue or green paint containing iron blue will fade during storage, but the pigments exposed to air will gradually recover after construction.
In order to avoid premature fading of epoxy flooring in parking lots, the paint should be well mixed and even before construction, especially for the polychrome paint. Because there are many kinds of pigments with different densities, heavy pigments gradually sink in storage and light pigments gradually float. If they are not fully mixed and evenly used, they will not match the original color after construction.
When the pigments used in the construction of Weifang epoxy floor are still in storage, they must be separated from varnishes so as to avoid being corroded by the residual free acid in the paint and lead to color change. Especially those varnishes with high acid value are easy to react with iron packaging barrel to form varnish transparency decline and color deepening, so never use iron packaging container for storage.
During the construction of epoxy flooring, resins and pigments in the formulation of the paint must be selected according to the need. Because the light and heat resistance of the single pigments in the painting guess is not good, some resins have poor weather resistance, and turn back to discolor彩色沥清地坪ation when they meet the light, which is also one of the main reasons for the fading of the epoxy flooring in use. When formulating epoxy floor coatings, attention should be paid to the absence of pigments that can react with resins or additives.
It is forbidden to mix two different types of coatings and mix them at will without experimenting in the construction of color matching. All these improper practices will make the floor discolored. That is to say, as long as some of the pigments in the epoxy flooring paint undergo chemical changes, the inherent dyeing power of the pigments will be lost, resulting in fading or discoloration, thereby reducing the overall quality of the epoxy flooring.