
文章时间:2018-11-10 01:11:24   浏览次数:1197

扣件式腳手架1、優點1)承載力較大。當腳手架的幾何尺寸及構造符合規范的有關要求時,一般情況下,腳手架的單管立柱的承載力可達15kN~35kN(1.5tf~3.5tf,設計值)。2)裝拆方便,搭設靈活。由於鋼管長度易於調整,扣件連接簡便,因而可適應各種平面、立面的建築物與構築物用移動腳手架。 3)比較經濟,加工簡單,一次投資費用較低;如果精心設計移動腳手架幾何尺寸,註意提高鋼管周轉使用率,則材料用量也可取得較好的經濟效果。扣件鋼管架折合每平方米建築用鋼量約15公斤。 Fastener scaffold 1, advantages 1) large bearing capacity. When the scaffolding geometry and structure meet the relevant requirements of the code, in general, the bearing capacity of the scaffolding single pipe column can reach 15 kN-35 kN (1.5 tf-3.5 tf, design value). 2) easy installation and installation. Because the length of steel pipe is easy to adjust and the connection of fasteners is simple, it can be used in scaffolding of buildings and structures with various planes and elevations. 3) It is economical, simple to process and low cost of one-time investment. If the scaffolding geometry is carefully designed and the turnover utilization rate of steel tube is improved, the material consumption can also achieve better economic results. The steel pipe rack of the fastener is equivalent to 15 kilograms of steel per square metre.
2、缺點 2. Shortcomings 1)扣件(特別是它的螺桿)容易丟失; 1) fastener (especially its screw) is easy to lose.
螺栓擰緊扭力矩不應小於40N·m,且不應大於65N·m;[1] The tightening torque of bolts should not be less than 40N. M, and should not be greater than 65N. M; [1]
2)節點處的桿件為偏心連接,靠抗滑力傳遞荷載和內力,因而降低瞭其承載能力; 2) The member at the joint is eccentrically connected, which transfers load and internal force by anti-sliding force, thus reducing its bearing capacity.
3)扣件節點的連接質量受扣件本身質量和工人操作的影響顯著。 3) the connection quality of fastener nodes is significantly affected by the quality of the fastener itself and the operation of workers.
3、適應性 3, adaptability
1)構築各種形式的門式腳手架、模板和其它支撐架; 1) to build scaffolding, formwork and other supporting frames in various forms.
2)組裝井字架; 2) assemble well frame;
3)搭設坡道、工棚、看臺及其它臨時構築物, 3) erect ramps, shed, bleachers and other temporary structures.
4)作其它種門式腳手架的輔助,加強桿件; 4) assist other kinds of scaffolds to strengthen the rods.
4、搭設要求 4. Erection requirements
鋼管扣件梯形腳手架搭設中應註意地基平整堅實,設置底座和墊板,並有可靠的排水措施,防止積水浸泡地基。 In the construction of scaffolding with steel pipe fasteners, attention should be paid to the smooth and solid foundation, the base and cushion plate should be set up, and reliable drainage measures should be taken to prevent the foundation from being immersed in water.
根據連墻桿設置情況及荷載大小,常用敞開式雙排梯形腳手架立桿橫距一般為1.05~1.55m,砌築腳手架步距一般為1.20~1.35m,裝飾或砌築、裝飾兩用的腳手架一般為1.80m,立桿縱距1.2~2.0m。其允許搭設高度為34~50m。當為單排設置時,立桿橫距1.2~1.4 m,立桿縱距1.5~2.0m。允許搭設高度為24m。 According to the setting of connecting rod and the load, the common open double row scaffolding vertical spacing is generally 1.05-1.55m, the masonry scaffolding step spacing is generally 1.20-1.35m, the decorative or masonry scaffolding is generally 1.80m, and the vertical spacing of the vertical pole is 1.2-2.0m. Its permitted height is 34~50m. When it is set for single row, the vertical distance is 1.2~1.4 m and the vertical pole is 1.5~2.0m. The height is allowed to be 24m.
縱向水平桿宜設置在立桿的內側,其長度不宜小於3跨,縱向水平桿可采用對接扣件,也可采用搭接。如采用對接扣件方法,則對接扣件應交錯佈置;如采用搭接連接,搭接長度不應小於1 m,並應等間距設置3個旋轉扣件固定。 Longitudinal horizontal bar should be set in the inner side of the vertical bar, and its length should not be less than 3 spans. Longitudinal horizontal bar can use butt fasteners or lap joints. If the butt fastener method is adopted, the butt fastener shall be staggered; if the lap connection is adopted, the lap length shall not be less than 1 m, and three rotating fasteners shall be fixed at equal intervals.
腳手架主節點(即立桿、縱向水平桿、橫向水平桿三桿緊靠的扣接點)處必須設置一根橫向水平桿用直角扣件扣接且嚴禁拆除。主節點處兩個直角扣件的中心距不應大於150mm。在雙排腳手架中,橫向水平桿靠墻一端的外伸長度不應大於立桿橫距的0.4倍,且不應大於500mm;作業層上非主節點處的橫向水平桿,宜根據支承腳手板的需要等間距設置,最大間距不應大於縱距的1/2。 The main joints of scaffolding (i.e. the vertical bar, the vertical horizontal bar and the buckle point close to the horizontal bar) must be connected by a horizontal bar with a right angle fastener and must not be dismantled. The center distance between the two right angle fasteners at the main node should not be greater than 150mm. In double-row scaffolding, the extension length of the lateral horizontal bar at the end of the wall should not be greater than 0.4 times of the vertical bar's transverse distance, and should not be greater than 500 mm. The transverse horizontal bar at the non-main node of the working layer should be set equal spacing according to the need of supporting scaffolding, and the maximum spacing should not be greater than 1/2 of the longitudinal distance.
作業層腳手板應鋪滿、鋪穩,離開墻面120~150mm;狹長型腳手板,如沖壓鋼腳手板、木腳手板、竹串片腳手板等,應設置在三根橫向水平桿上。當腳手板長度小於2m時,可采用兩根橫向水平桿支承,但應將腳手板兩端與其可靠固定,嚴防傾翻。寬型的竹笆腳手板應按其主竹筋垂直於縱向水平桿方向鋪設,且采用對接平鋪,四個角應用鍍鋅鋼絲固定在縱向水平桿上。 The scaffolding of the working layer should be covered and paved steadily, 120-150 mm away from the wall; the long and narrow scaffolding, such as stamped steel scaffolding, wooden scaffolding and bamboo strand scaffolding, should be set on three horizontal poles. When the length of scaffold is less than 2 m, two horizontal horizontal poles can be used to support the scaffold, but the two ends of the scaffold should be fixed reliably with it to prevent tipping. Wide bamboo scaffolds should be laid perpendicular to the vertical horizontal pole according to the main bamboo bars, with butt flat paving and four corners fixed on the vertical horizontal pole by galvanized steel wire.
每根立桿底部應設置底座或墊板。腳手架必須設置縱、橫向掃地桿。縱向掃地桿應采用直角扣件固定在距底座上皮不大於200mm處的立桿上。橫向掃地桿亦應采用直角扣件固定在緊靠縱向掃地桿下方的立桿上。當立桿基礎不在同一高度上時,必須將高處的縱向掃地桿向低處延長兩跨與立桿固定,高低差不應大於lm。靠邊坡上方的立桿軸線到邊坡的距離不應小於500mm。 Base or backing plate should be installed a印花地坪t the bottom of each vertical pole. Scaffolds must be provided with vertical and horizontal sweeping rods. The longitudinal sweeping rod should be fixed on a vertical pole with a thickness less than 200mm from the base. The horizontal sweeping rod should also be fixed on the vertical pole below the longitudinal sweeping rod with a right angle fastener. When the foundation of the upright pole is not at the same height, the vertical sweeping pole at the upper level must be extended two spans to the lower level and fixed with the upright pole. The height difference should not be greater than lm. The distance from the vertical axis above the slope to the slope should not be less than 500mm.
門式腳手架Portal scaffold
1、優點 1. Advantages
1)門式鋼管腳手架幾何尺寸標準化。 1) standardization of portal steel tube scaffold geometry.
2)結構合理,受力性能好,充分利用鋼材強度,承載能力高。 2) reasonable structure and good mechanical performance, making full use of steel strength and high carrying capacity.
3)施工中裝拆容易、架設效率高,省工省時、安全可靠、經濟適用。 3) construction is easy to install and disassemble, high efficiency, labor saving, time saving, safe and reliable, economical and applicable.
2、缺點 2. Shortcomings
1)構架尺寸無任何靈活性,構架尺寸的任何改變都要換用另一種型號的門架及其配件 1) There is no flexibility in the size of the frame. Any change in the size of the frame should be replaced by another type of gantry and its accessories.
2)交叉支撐易在中鉸點處折斷; 2) cross bracing is easy to break at the middle hinge point.
3)定型腳手板較重, 3) stereotyped scaffold is heavier.
4)價格較貴 4) the price is more expensive.
3、適應性 3, adaptability
1)構造定型腳手架 1) structural scaffolding.
2)作粱、板構架的支撐架(承受豎向荷載); 2) support frame for beam and slab structure (bearing vertical load);
3)構造活動工作臺; 3) structural activity worktable;
4、搭設要求 4. Erection requirements
1、門式腳手架基礎必須夯實,且應做好排水坡,以防積水 1. The foundation of portal scaffold must be tamped, and drainage slope should be well designed to prevent stagnant water.
2 、門式腳手架搭設順序為:基礎準備→安放墊板→安放底座→豎兩榀單片門架→安裝交叉桿→安裝腳手板→以此為基礎重復安裝門架、交叉桿、腳手板工序。 2. The erection sequence of portal scaffolding is as follows: foundation preparation cushion plate base erection of two single portal frames installation of crossbar installation of scaffolding repeated installation of portal frame, crossbar and scaffolding based on this.
3 、門式鋼管腳手架應從一端開始向另一端搭設,上步腳手架應在下步腳手架搭設完畢後進行。搭設方向與下步相反。 3. Portal steel tubular scaffolding should be erected from one end to the other. Upper scaffolding should be carried out after the next scaffolding has been erected. The direction is opposite to the next step.
4 、每步腳手架的搭設,應先在端點底座上插入兩榀門架,並隨即裝上交叉桿固定,鎖好鎖片,然後搭設以後的門架,每搭一榀,隨即裝上交叉桿和鎖片。 4. For each step of scaffolding erection, two doorsteps should be inserted into the base of the end point, and then the crossbar should be installed to fix it, and the lock plate should be locked. Then the latter doorstep should be erected, and the crossbar and the lock plate should be installed immediately after each step of scaffolding erection.
5、腳手架必須設置與建築物可靠的連結。 5, scaffolding must be connected with buildings reliably.
6、門扣式鋼管腳手架的外側應設置剪刀撐,豎向和縱向均應連續設置。 6. The outer side of the steel buckle scaffold shall be provided with scissors braces, and both vertical and vertical shall be continuously arranged.
扣盤式 Disc type
1)輕松快捷:搭建輕松快速,並具有很強的機動性,可滿足大范圍的作業要求; 1) Easy and fast: easy and fast to build, and has a strong mobility, can meet a wide range of operational requirements;
2)靈活安全 可靠:可根據不同的實際需要,搭建多種規格、多排移動的腳手架,各種完善安全配件,在作業中提供牢固、安全的支持; 2) Flexible, safe and reliable: according to different actual needs, we can build a variety of specifications and rows of mobile scaffolding, improve various safety accessories, and provide solid and safe support in operation;
3)儲運方便:拆卸儲存占地小,並可推動方便轉移,部件能通過各種窄小通道。 3) Convenient storage and transportation: the area of disassembly and storage is small, and can facilitate the transfer of components through a variety of narrow channels.
鋁合金 Aluminium alloy
1、鋁合金腳手架所有部件采用特制鋁合金材質,比傳統鋼架輕75% 1. All aluminum alloy scaffolds are made of special aluminum alloy, lighter than traditional steel frames. 75%
2、部件連接強度高:采用內脹外壓式新型冷作工藝,腳手架接頭的破壞拉脫力達到4100-4400Kg,遠大於2100Kg的許用拉脫力。 2. High connection strength of components: With the new cold working process of internal expansion and external pressure, the destructive pull-off force of scaffold joints reaches 4100-4400Kg, which is far greater than the allowable pull-off force of 2100Kg.
3、安裝簡便快捷;配有高強度腳輪,可移動。 3, installation is simple and quick; equipped with high strength casters, removable.
4、整體結構采用“積木式”組合設計,不需任何安裝工具。 4, the overall structure adopts the "block type" combination design without any installation tools.
鋁合金快裝腳手架解決企業高空作業難題,它可根據實際需要的高度搭接,有2.32M/1.856M/1.392M三種高度規格。 有寬式和窄式兩種寬度規格。窄式架可以在狹窄地面搭接,方便靈活。他可以滿足墻邊角,樓梯等狹窄空間處的高空作業要求是企業高空作業的好幫手。 Aluminum alloy scaffolding can solve the problem of high-altitude operation in enterprises. It can be lapped acc彩色沥清地坪ording to the actual needs of height. It has three height specifications: 2.32M/1.856M/1.392M. There are two kinds of width specifications: wide and narrow. The narrow frame can be lapped up on the narrow ground and is convenient and flexible. It can meet the requirements of high-altitude operation in narrow space such as wall corner, staircase and so on. It is a good assistant for high-altitude operation of enterprises.