
文章时间:2018-11-09 05:30:28   浏览次数:1214

环氧地板漆有良好的地面裝飾效果,可以美化地面,提高建築物的檔次。單一顏色的环氧地坪漆己經不能滿足人們的要求,所以我們都會通過調色來實現顏色的豐富性,环氧樹脂地板漆滿足人們的需要。調色是一個較為復雜的工作,因為顏色種類繁多,而且要進行顏色的搭配,我們必須瞭解每種顏料的性能,還需要根據色彩的差異來進行判斷。現在常用的配色方法有兩種,一種是使用專業配色儀器,通過電腦程序計算,分析顏色的成分和比例。這種配色方法相當精準,常見於國外工印花地坪業發展較發達國傢。 第二種配色方法是人工配制。主要依靠的是實戰經驗,然後根據色彩學基本原理,环氧防靜電地板漆加入適當比例的顏料進行調配。
The epoxy floor paint has good surface decoration effect, it can beautify the ground and improve the grade of the building. Single color epoxy floor paint has been unable to meet people's requirements, so we will achieve color richness through color, epoxy floor paint to meet people's needs. Color matching is a complex task, because there are many kinds of colors, and in order to match the colors, we must understand the performance of each kind of pigments, and also need to judge according to the difference of colors. There are two commonly used color matching methods. One is to use professional color matching instrument to calculate and analyze the composition and proportion of color by computer program. This method of color matching is quite accurate, and is commonly seen in developed countries with foreign industrial development. The second color matching method is artificial preparation. Mainly depends on the actual experience, and then according to the basic principles of color, epoxy anti-static floor paint with appropriate proportion of pigments to be deployed. 人工配置復色漆的技巧:
Artificially coloured paint technology:
The color allocation should be divided into primary and secondary. First, the lar环氧地坪gest amount of color is called and the small amount of color is colored. Then, several times a small amount of dark color is added to retrograde allocation. In the process of allocation, continuous stirring is needed to observe the change of color.
The state of the paint also affects the color. The color of the paint will be lighter before drying and darker after drying.
When configuring amino coatings, attention should be paid to understanding the floating degree of primary colour in polychrome paint and observing the change of colour of coatings.
Pigments of the same quality should be selected before color blending, so as to avoid gelling due to poor miscibility of the paint.