
文章时间:2018-11-08 00:52:28   浏览次数:1221

Among the people who have been exposed to the construction of epoxy floor paint in parking lot, we will find that there are a lot of peculiar smells during the construction, and they are very pungent, so it is very difficult to be liked by everyone. However, although epoxy floor paint is only a common paint, why will there still be pungent odor? In fact, all kinds of epoxy flooring materials have a pungent odor. The benzene diluents, su彩色沥清地坪ch as xylene and tritoluene, are all harmful to health. Another problem is the epoxy curing agent. Curing agent is also one of the sources of pungent odor, because many domestic curing agents are the same. It is easy to imagine that many of the base materials used are made of horns. In fact, this is a lot of domestic epoxy floor paint, is not unusual, because on the one hand, domestic floor paint is mainly solvent-based, general solvent-based epoxy floor paint added more than 35% benzene diluent, if according to the capacity of 400 cars underground parking lot, generally according to the construction process needs 15 tons of floor materials, folding. The benzene content is 5.25 tons. Before the benzene volatilization is complete, the residents will be in the top position of 5.25 tons of benzene diluents. It can be imagined. 從上述的闡述當中,我們能夠發現,實際上地坪漆會發生刺鼻的氣味是有原因的,也是自身的條件限制,如果說很多公司的技術達不到的話,那麼還有可能會產生危害身體的物質,所以說,我們在考慮氣味的時候,也要考慮它的危險性,因此,大傢在選購地坪漆時一定要多多註意。
From the above explanations, we can find that there are reasons for the pungent smell of floor paint, and it is also the limitation of its own conditions. If the technology of many companies can not reach it, then there may be substances harmful to the body. So, when we consider the odor, we should also con透水地坪sider it. Therefore, we must pay more attention when choosing floor paint.