
文章时间:2018-11-08 04:27:30   浏览次数:1218

對流翅片管憑借其散熱效果比較均勻,能夠在一個空間內達到全方位的散熱效果,因此受到消費者的青睞。超迪研發的不銹鋼全防腐cr-I系列翅片管就是目前中國市場上對流翅片管中的高端產品。該系列產品的主要材料,包括不銹鋼管、鋁翅片、炮銅連接部件等等都是從歐洲原裝進口的。在舒適高效供暖的基礎上,為滿足消費者對色彩的不同要求,瑞特格可以根據需求進行產品定制,人們可以隨心所欲地選擇產品的色彩,不必擔心散熱量受損問題。Convective finned tube is favored by consumers because of its uniform heat dissipation effect, which can achieve all-round heat dissipation effect in a space. The stainless steel fully anticorrosive cr-I series finned tubes developed by Ultra-Di are the high-end products of convective finned tubes in the current Chinese market. The main materials of this series of products, including stainless steel tubes, aluminium fins, gun copper connecting parts, etc., are imported from Europe. On the basis of comfortable and efficient heating, in order to meet the different requirements of consumers for color, Reiterg can customize products according to demand. People can choose the color of products at will without worrying about the loss of heat dissipation. 在廣大的北方地區,每到采暖季節,幾乎每傢每戶都要在這個時候投入人力、物力、財力,關心傢庭的采暖翅片管,也是相關廠傢客服部門最緊張和忙碌的時候。當前,翅片管廠傢的客服水平如何呢?根據業內人士的市場走訪發現,目前客戶服務的現狀基本上隻有送貨上門和一定的賠付保證。其實用戶還有很多潛在的服務需求,他們不僅選擇產品也選擇服務。 電子In the vast northern region, almost every household has to invest manpower, material and financial resources at this time to care about the family heating fin tube, which is also the most tense and busy time for the customer service dep印花地坪artment of the relevant manufacturers. What is the customer service level of the finned tube manufacturers? According to the market visits of insiders, the current situation of customer service is basically only door-to-door delivery and certain payment guarantees. In fact, users still have many potential service needs. They choose not only products but also services. Electronics專傢建議,為瞭滿足用戶需求,采暖翅片管廠傢可以開展以下的一些服務。一是售前服務:幫用戶設計佈置翅片管,折除舊翅片管。在裝修時,因為消費者本身對空氣對流的原理不太瞭解,在翅片管的位置上都不很專業和全面,專業公司可以提供此項服務,服務質量同產品質量一樣重要。Experts suggest that in order to meet the needs of users, heating finned tube ma环氧地坪nufacturers can carry out some of the following services. First, pre sale service: help users design and arrange fin tubes, and replace old finned tubes. In decoration, because consumers themselves do not understand the principle of air convection, in the location of finned tubes are not very professional and comprehensive, professional companies can provide this service, service quality is as important as product quality.其次是必須的售後服務:送貨到傢、安裝到位、打壓試水、每年供暖之前的電話回訪、及時上門維修、定期清洗。我們目前的暖氣是誰在負責安裝呢,是裝修公司裡的水暖工,他們在憑借自己的所謂經驗為用戶服務,問題是潛在的,我們的廠傢和專業公司一定要介入到具體的服務上來。Next is the necessary after-sales service: delivery home, installation in place, pressure test water, annual telephone calls before heating, timely door-to-door maintenance, regular cleaning. Who is in charge of the installation of our current heating, is the plumber in the decoration company, they rely on their so-called experience to serve users, the problem is potential, our manufacturers and professional companies must be involved in specific services.第三,還有其他增值服務:一定的賠付保證、以舊換新。在人們傳統的認識裡,暖氣這個東西就怕漏,但漏又是經常性的。隨著新型翅片管的推廣使用,特別是銅水道對流翅片管的應用,已經可以很好地適應我們目前高氧多堿的采暖水質,所以給用戶以放心的承諾,必然是用戶有物超所值的感覺。是否我們也可以實施暖氣的召回制度呢?Third, there are other value-added services: a certain amount of guarantee and renewal. In people's traditional knowledge, heating is something that is afraid of leakage, but the leakage is recurrent. With the popularization and use of new finned tubes, especially the application of copper convective finned tubes, it has been well adapted to our current high oxygen and polyalkali heating water quality, so the promise of reassuring users is bound to be a sense of value for money. Can we also implement the recall system for heating?第四,擴大配套組合:對於終端用戶,采暖系統主要是還包括溫控閥、各種閥門、專用接頭及放氣閥等;面對房產開發公司,一棟建築中的采暖系統還投資還包括溫控閥、熱表、控制系統、各種閥門、專用接頭、放氣閥;這時翅片管隻占瞭不到一半的投資。在采暖系統先進的國傢,翅片管廠傢都是有專門的配套供應商的,無一不是產品檔次的象征。Fourth, expand the matching combination: for the end users, the heating system mainly includes temperature control valves, various valves, special joints and ventilation valves; facing the real estate development company, the heating system in a building also includes temperature control valves, heat meters, control systems, various valves, special joints, ventilation valves; Finned tubes account for less than half of the investment. In countries with advanced heating systems, finned tube manufacturers are specialized suppliers, all of which are symbols of product grade.辛苦整理.轉載請註明http://www.wxsxsjx.com