
文章时间:2018-11-09 11:28:39   浏览次数:1159

The shortcomings of mobile scaffolding are: (1) the fastener (especially its screw) is easily lost; (2) the rod at the joint is eccentrically connected, transferring load and internal force by anti-sliding force, thus reducing its bearing capacity; (3) the connecting quality of the fastener joint is obviously affected by the quality of fastener itself and the manipulation of workers. Advantages: (1) Multifunctional: According to the detailed construction requirements, can form different groups of scaffolds size, shape and carrying capacity of single and double row scaffolds, support frame, support column, material lifting frame, climbing scaffolds, suspension and other functions of construction equipment. It can also be used for construction measures such as construction shed, material shed, lighthouse and so on.
Two. Bowl button type steel pipe scaffold
Adaptability: (1) Constructing stereotyped scaffolding; (2) acting as support for sorghum and slab frame (bearing vertical load); (3) Constructing mobile worktable;
Disadvantages: (1) There is no flexibility in the size of the frame, any change in the size of the frame should be replaced by another type of portal frame and its accessories; (2) cross support is easy to break at the middle hinge point; (3) the stereotyped scaffold is more expensive; (4) the price is more expensive;
Advantages: (1) scaling of portal steel tube scaffolds. (2) the structure is reasonable and the force function is good, making full use of steel strength and carrying capacity. (3) construction is easy to install and disassemble, high efficiency, labor saving, time saving, safety and reliability, and economic cooperation.
Three. Door type steel pipe scaffold
Adaptability: (1) Construct various forms of scaffolding, formwork and other support frames; (2) Assemble derrick; (3) Build ramps, shed, stand and other temporary structures; (4) Assist with other scaffolding to strengthen poles.
1門式腳手架上的剪刀撐作用是什麼 ?
1 what is scissors support on scaffolding?
Answer: prevent scaffold longitudinal deformation, enhance the overall stiffness of scaffolding.
2 腳手架的外側有外電線路時有何安全規定 ?
2 what safety regulations do exist when there are external lines on the outside of scaffolding?
答:嚴禁在有外電線路的 — 側搭設上下腳手架的斜道。
Answer: it is strictly prohibited to erect the upper and lower scaffolding ramps on the side with external lines.
3 手架是否能與卸料平臺連結 ?
3 can the scaffold be linked to the unloading platform?
Answer: No, the unloading platform should be set up independently.
4 哪些鋼管不準用於腳手架搭設 ?
4 which steel pipes are not allowed to be used for scaffold erection?
Answer: severely corroded, squashed, bent, cracked steel pipes.
5 哪種扣件不得使用 ?
5 which fastener should not be used?
Answer: no crack, deformation, shrinkage or slipping can be used.
6 卸料平臺上應懸掛什麼標牌 ?
6 what sign should be suspended on the unloading platform?
Answer: a sign indicating the load.
7 門型腳手架的搭設高度一般不宜超過多少米 ?
How much is the height of 7 scaffolding erected in general?
答:不宜超過 45 米 。
Answer: not more than 45 meters.
8 吊藍架的承重鋼絲繩與安全保險鋼絲繩接長使用時,繩卡應不少於三個,這句話是否正確 ?
8. When the load-bearing steel wire rope of the blue hanger is connected with the safety steel wire rope for a long time, the rope clamp should be no less than three. Is this correct?
Answer: incorrect, because these two kinds of wire rope can not be used for long.
9 整體提升架在升降時有何安全要求 ?
9 what is the safety requirement of the lifting frame when lifting?
Answer: stand and stand is strictly prohibited when lifting.
10 整體提升機的主要安全裝置的哪些 ?
10 what are the main safety devices of the whole hoist?
Answer: anti falling device and anti overturn device.
11 吊籃腳手架須配備哪些安全防護裝置 ?
What safety guards shall be provided for the 11 basket scaffold?
Answer: brake, travel limit, An Quansuo, anti tilt device, overload protection device.
12 吊籃腳手架配重有哪些要求 ?
12 what are the requirements for the weight of the scaffolding?
答: (1) 吊籃的懸掛機構或屋面小車上必須配置適當的配重; (2) 配重應準確、牢固地安裝在配重點上,並應按圖樣規定配置足夠質量的配重,在吊籃使用前須經過安全檢查員核實才能使用; (3) 抗傾覆系數等於配重矩比前傾力矩,其比值應不小於 2 。
Answer: (1) The suspension mechanism of the hanging basket or the roof trolley must be equipped with appropriate weights; (2) The weights should be accurately and firmly installed on the matching points, and should be equipped with enough quality weights according to the drawings, which must be verified by the safety inspectors before the hanging basket is used; (3) The anti-overturning coefficient is equal to the ratio of the counterweight moment to the forward overturning force. The ratio should not be less than 2.
13 腳手架立桿頂端應高出屋面多少 ?
13 how much should the top of the scaffolding stand above the roof?
答:立桿頂端應高出女兒墻上皮 lm ,高出簷口上皮 1 . 5m 。
Answer: the top of the vertical pole should be higher than the LM of the parapet wall and higher than the 1.5m of the cornice epithelium.
14 鋼、竹混搭腳手架是否可用 ? 為什麼 ?
14 are steel and bamboo mashup scaffolds available? Why?
答:不可用。腳手架的基本要求是整體受力後,不搖晃、不變形,保持穩定。桿件的節點是傳力的關鍵,而混搭的腳手架,無可靠的綁紮材料,造成節點松馳,架 體會 產生變形,不能滿足腳手架的受力要求。
Answer: not available. The basic requirement of scaffolds is that they do not shake, do not deform, and remain stable after being stressed. The joints of the members are the key to transfer the force, and the mixed scaffolding, without reliable binding materials, causes the joints to relax and the frame will be deformed, which can not meet the force requirements of the scaffolding.
15 腳手架及其地基基礎在哪些階段應進行檢查與驗收 ?
15 what stages should the scaffold and its foundation be inspected and checked?
答: (1) 基礎完工後及腳手架搭設前; (2) 作業層上施加荷載前; (3) 每搭設完 10 一 13m 高度後; (4) 遇有六級大風與大雨後,寒冷地區開凍後; (5) 達到設計高度後; (6) 停用超過一個月。
Answer: (1) After the foundation is completed and before the scaffolding is erected; (2) before the load is applied on the working layer; (3) after every 10-13 m height is erected; (4) after the six-level gale and heavy rain, the cold area is frozen; (5) after reaching the design height; (6) after the suspension of service for more than one month.
16 從事腳手架搭設人員應佩戴哪些防護用品 ?
16 what protective equipment should be worn by scaffolding erection personnel?
Answer: wear safety helmet, fasten seat belt and wear antiskid shoes.
17 腳手架使用期間,嚴禁拆除哪些桿件 ?
17 during the use of scaffolding, which bar must not be removed?
答: (1) 主節點處的縱向橫向水平桿,縱、橫向掃地桿; (2) 連墻件。
Answer: (1) vertical horizontal horizontal bar at main node, vertical and horizontal sweeping rod; (2) continuous wall parts.
18 從事架子搭設作業人員須具備哪些條件 ?
18 What are the conditions for operators to erect shelves?
Answer: Scaffold erectors must be qualified professional scaffolders who have passed the current national standard "Safety and Technical Assessment Management Rules for Special Operators". They should have regular physical examinations before qualified persons can hold certificates.
19 《建築施工門式鋼管腳手架安全技術規范》中對門式鋼管架的剪刀撐設置有哪些要求 ?
19 What are the requirements for setting scissors braces for portal steel tubular scaffolding in the Technical Code for Safety of Portal Steel Tube Scaffolding in Construction?
答: (1) 腳手架高度超過 20m 時,應在腳手架外側連續設置; (2) 剪刀撐斜桿與地面的傾角宜為 45 度一 60 度,剪刀撐寬度宜為 4— 8m ; (3) 剪刀撐應采用扣件與門架立桿扣緊; (4) 剪刀撐斜桿若采用搭接接長,搭接長度不宜小於 600mm ,搭接處應采用兩個扣件扣緊。
Answer: (1) When the height of scaffolding exceeds 20 meters, it should be set continuously on the outside of scaffolding印花地坪; (2) the inclination angle between the scissors supporting slant rod and the ground should be 45 degrees to 60 degrees, and the width of the scissors supporting should be 4-8 meters; (3) the scissors supporting should be fastened by fasteners and the gantry erecting rod; (4) if the scissors supporting slant rod adopts lapping connection length, the lapping length should not be less than 6 degrees. 00mm, two fasteners should be fastened at the lap joint.
20門式腳手架搭設中對腳手架整體垂直度與水平度偏差有何要求 ?
What are the requirements for the overall verticality and level deviation of scaffolding in the 20 door scaffolding erection?
答:垂直度允許偏差為腳手架高度的 1 / 600 及 ± 50mm ;水平度允許偏差為腳手架長度的 1 / 600 及 ± 50mm 。
Answer: The allowable deviation of verticality is 1/600 and +50mm of scaffold height, and the allowable deviation of horizontality is 1/600 and +50mm of scaffold length.
21 對砌築架與裝飾架的荷載是如何要求 ?
21 what is the load on masonry and decorative frames?
答:砌築架負荷應不超過 270 公斤 /平方米,裝飾腳手架應不超過 200 公斤 /平方米。
Answer: Masonry frame load should not exceed 270 kg/m2, decorative scaffolding should not exceed 200 kg/m2.
22 人字梯應采取什麼防滑措施 ?
22 what anti slip measures should be adopted for the ladder?
Answer: There should be strong hinges and zippers that restrict the development. Anti-skid measures should be taken when using sliding ground.