
文章时间:2018-11-09 05:51:53   浏览次数:1157

朋友是否知道什麼是环氧地坪呢?其實环氧地坪在生活中十分的常見,而且其種類也比較多 雖然裝修的知識我們瞭解得不多,秀地公司就來為 朋友介紹一些關於环氧地坪的相關信息。环氧地坪,全稱环氧樹脂地坪,是以环氧樹脂為膠結劑輔佐有些重鈣粉、石英砂等骨料和填充物而制成的一種功能性新式环氧地坪,別稱环氧地上,环氧地坪漆等,也有不少客戶直接稱之為自流平(本來僅僅环氧地坪中的一個大類)。
Do you know what epoxy flooring is? In fact, epoxy flooring is very common in life, and its kind is quite a lot. Although we know little about decoration, Xiudi Company will introduce some information about epoxy flooring to friends. Epoxy floor, full name epoxy floor, is a new functional floor made of epoxy resin as cementing agent and some aggregates and fillers such as heavy calcium powder, quartz sand, etc. Also known as epoxy floor, floor paint, etc. Many customers directly call it self-leveling (originally only a large category of epoxy floor). 通過多年的開展,环氧樹脂地坪也細分瞭許多品種,同一種類下又有不一樣的規范,如:色彩、厚度、光澤度、硬度、耐磨度等。即便是確定瞭品種和規范,作為一種工程,報價必定還要與施工現場條件如:根底地上狀況,溝槽、設備影響,有無穿插施工以及甲方對工期的請求等諸多因素掛鉤。
Through years of development, the epoxy floor has also been subdivided into many varieties, under the same type there are different specifications, such as: color, thickness, gloss, hardness, wear resistance, etc. Even if the varieties and specifications are determined, as a project, the quotation must be linked with the construction site conditions, such as the condition of the ground, the influence of grooves and equipment, whether there is interpenetrating construction and Party A's request for the construction period.
Types of epoxy floor
一 环氧樹脂自流平地坪:依據色彩,厚度的不一樣,一般的自流平在45到120元/平方米,極少有低於此報價的景象,但格外請求下,有遠高出此一般報價的類型。
An epoxy resin self-leveling floor: According to the color and thickness, the general self-leveling is between 45 and 120 yuan per square metre. Very few cases are lower than the quotation. However, the type of quotation is much higher than that of the general quotation.
二 环氧砂漿地坪:此處所稱环氧砂漿,厚度一般不低於1.00mm,報價一般在30到印花地坪60元/平方之間;當然,別的請求不變,厚度越高,報價也就相應越高,不掃除超越100乃至200或更多的景象。
Diepoxy mortar floor: The thickness of epoxy mortar is not less than 1.00mm, and the quotation is usually between 30 and 60 yuan/square. Of course, the higher the thickness is, the higher the quotation will be, without sweeping over 100 or 200 or more scenes.
三 簡便环氧平塗:省去瞭中塗刮砂程序,乃至有的連中塗膩子層也沒有,故報價極為低價,一般在25元/平方米上下,有的乃至低至18元/㎡。但一分報價一分貨,該類型地坪盡管價位低價,但運用周期也十分短,非長久之計。
Three Simple Epoxy Flat Coating: It omits the procedure of sand scraping, and even some of them have no putty layer. Therefore, the quotation is extremely low, general彩色沥清地坪ly in the range of 25 yuan/m2, and some even as low as 18 yuan/m2. However, the price of this type of floor is low, but the use cycle is very short, not a long-term solution.
四 环氧止滑車道:地下車庫專用,厚度一般不低於3mm,依據請求不一樣一般報價在120元到180元/平方米。
Four epoxy anti-skid lanes: underground garage for special use, the thickness is not less than 3 mm, according to the request is different, the general price is 120 yuan to 180 yuan per square meter.
五 防靜電环氧地坪:有平塗型和自流平型兩種,但平塗型防靜電能力堅持性欠安,故此處不提。規范規范及以上的自流平防靜電地板的市場報價一般不低於120元/平方米。
Five anti-static epoxy flooring: there are two types of flat-coated and self-leveling, but the anti-static ability of flat-coated is not well adhered to, so it is not mentioned here. The market quotation of self regulating flat and antistatic floor is generally not less than 120 yuan / square meter.
六 彩砂环氧地坪/浮砂环氧地坪:歸於具有格外裝修效果的高強耐磨环氧樹脂地坪,規范層次較高,價位也歸於,在150元/平米以上。
Six-color sand epoxy floor/floating sand epoxy floor: due to the special decoration effect of high-strength wear-resistant epoxy floor, higher level of specifications, price also attributed to more than 150 yuan per square meter.
七 水性环氧地坪報價:水性环氧地坪自流平技能相對不行完善,但砂漿平塗型現已老練使用,相同規范下比溶劑型和無溶劑型的略高,即單價在30到100元/平方米之間。
Seven water-based epoxy flooring quotation: Water-based epoxy flooring self-leveling skills are relatively incomplete, but mortar flat coating has been used sophisticated, under the same specifications than solvent-based and solvent-free, that is, the unit price is between 30 to 100 yuan per square meter.
八 啞光环氧地坪:與一般型不同不大或略高。
Eight matte epoxy floor: different from the general type is not large or slightly higher.