The cost of epoxy floor is higher than that of hardened wear-resistant floor, but in contrast, epoxy floor also has excellent performance which is difficult to achieve. The epoxy floor is more beautiful and glossy, and it is the glory of the workshop workshop. The choice of colors is more and easier to clean. And some of the cleanliness requirements are relatively high, such as laboratories, hospitals and so on, can only choose epoxy resin self-leveling, because only the self-leveling of epoxy resin can meet the requirements. Another point is that the epoxy floor material is a paint coating, is liquid, and is composed of two components, epoxy resin and curing agent. Site construction should be matched according to matching ratio. Epoxy floor is an advanced floor system. 兩種环氧地坪相比,算是一種比較低端的地坪系統,但是進口的成本仍然很高。他比环氧樹脂地坪有著更好的耐磨性,一般用於成本控制較高,對美觀等要求不是很大的區域。而且硬化耐磨地坪材料是一種高標號水泥與其他助劑配對形成的,是固態的。需要與混凝土一起施工。
Compared to the two floors, it is considered a relatively low floor system, but the cost of imports is still very high. It has better wear resistance than epoxy flooring, and is generally used in areas where cost control is high and aesthetic requirements are not very large. And hardened wear-resistant floor material is a kind of high-grade cement and other additives formed in pairs, is solid. Need to work together with concrete.
First, wear resistance: the wear resistance of the diamond wear-resistant floor is better than that of the epoxy floor, because the raw material of the former stone is diamond aggregate, while the epoxy is paint material.
2. Dustproof: Epoxy floor is a kind of overall beautiful ground, which requires a higher level of the ground. It is suitable for dust-free and sterile occasions. It has better dust-proof than diamond sand wear-resistant floor.
3. Durability: After the construction of diamond sand wear-resistant floor, the capillary holes of concrete on the ground are reduced, which can make the ground wear-resistant and compressive, while the epoxy floor has poor wear resistance and is easily polluted by the penetration of external materials. Therefore, its life is shorter than that of diamond sand wear-resistant floor, and it needs frequent maintenance.
4. Convenience: After the constru环氧地坪ction of e透水地坪poxy floor, the ground needs to be protected, and can not receive scratches from sharp objects. Moreover, the construction is cumbersome and the construction period is long. The construction period of diamond wear-resistant floor is short, the construction is fast, and the ground has certain wear resistance.