
文章时间:2018-11-06 01:17:32   浏览次数:1181

為瞭更好的滿足使用者的需求,避免因種類選擇而產品的不良影響,我公司現將3種市面較常見的环氧地坪產品做出相應的分析與對比。一、彩色沥清地坪环氧地坪 :环氧地坪在混凝土密封固化劑還沒有引進中國市場前已經得到瞭廣泛的蓬勃發展。但隨著時間越長,它的優點和缺點逐漸被人們所認識:隻能附著於水泥表面耐磨和抗重壓能力較弱,一般隻能讓小型車輛行駛,不能讓大型車輛行駛,所以一般在地下車庫或者汽車4S店使用。容易劃傷和損壞,由於环氧地坪一般比較薄,在1到3mm之內,導致容易被一些刀具,銳利物品劃傷(大部分环氧地坪被劃傷影響不大,但隻要环氧地坪被劃傷最為影響美觀度)。施工要求一般較高,如果在施工中沒有註意空氣濕度、地面濕度或地面表面油污,在上述指標未達標的情況下進行施工,則可能導致起泡起皮和脫落等現象。环氧地坪清潔容易,維護成本比較低,使用壽命一般在10年之內,但是施工條件要求高,工期稍長一點,其擁有良好的防腐防塵功能。 环氧地坪的特殊性使得其在地坪行業中起到許多地坪所不可替代作用,對於大多數的地下車庫及部分醫藥,電子企業來說,選擇环氧地坪能很好的滿足其對地坪的要求。
In order to better meet the needs of users and avoid the adverse effects of products due to the selection of types, our company now makes corresponding analysis and comparison of three kinds of floor products which are more common in the market. First, epoxy flooring: epoxy flooring has been widely developed before concrete sealing and curing agent was introduced into the Chinese market. But as time goes on, its advantages and disadvantages are gradually recognized by people: it can only adhere to the cement surface with weak wear resistance and resistance to heavy pressure, generally can only allow small vehicles to drive, can not allow large vehicles to drive, so it is generally used in underground garage or 4S shop. Easily scratched and damaged, because the epoxy floor is generally thin, within 1 to 3 mm, leading to vulnerable to some cutters, sharp objects scratched (most of the floor scratched little impact, but as long as the epoxy floor is scratched the most impact on aesthetics). Construction requirements are generally higher. If air humidity, ground humidity or surface oil pollution are not paid attention to during construction, construction under the condition of the above indicators are not up to the standard may lead to foaming, peeling and other phenomena. Epoxy floor is easy to clean, low maintenance cost, and its service life is generally within 10 years, but the construction conditions are demanding, the construction period is a little longer, and it has good anti-corrosion and dust-proof function. The particularity of epoxy flooring makes it play an irreplaceable role in many flooring industries. For most underground garages and some medical and electronic enterprises, the choice of epoxy flooring can well meet their requirements for flooring. 二、金剛砂耐磨地坪 :金剛砂耐磨地坪起步稍晚於水泥地坪,其原材料由一定顆粒級配的礦物合金骨料,特種波蘭特水泥,其它各種摻合料和外加劑組成,開袋即可使用。將其均勻地撒佈在初凝階段的混凝土表面,同時經專門手段加工。從而使其與新澆混凝土地面形成一個整體,且具有比較致密性和著色的高性能耐磨地面。它的特點是:顏色可選,表面密實、不容易起塵易清潔,但相應的由於材料使用瞭水泥,所以造成顏色有一定的局限,使得可選顏色不太全面。而且如果使用顏填料質量較差,則可能會使得地坪褪色。可取代工業廠房傳統的水磨石地坪,在整體效果上與工業傳統的水磨石地坪基本相同,僅僅骨料更細致。與水泥混凝土同步施工,能快速投入使用,由於同步施工的原因,使得使用周期要比其他地坪要短很多,而且每天施工的面積可達數千平方米,使用速度極快。成本比較低,金剛砂耐磨地坪成本是所有地坪中最低廉的,而性價方便,耐磨性能、抗沖擊性能和抗壓性能極佳,使得金剛砂耐磨地坪在所有地坪中性價比是最高的。而且隻要能正常護理,金剛砂耐磨地坪的使用壽命一般可達8~10年,如果最後對金剛砂耐磨地坪進行密封固化劑處理後,可以使得其使用壽命增加近1到2倍。對於大多數工業生產企業來說,金剛砂耐磨地坪就最優選擇。
2. Diamond abrasion-resistant floor: Diamond abrasion-resistant floor started a little later than cement floor. Its raw materials consist of mineral alloy aggregate with certain particle size distribution, special Poland cement, other admixtures and additives, which can be used in open bags. It is evenly distributed on the surface of concrete at the initial stage of solidification, and is processed by special means at the same time. Thus, it can form a whole with the newly poured concrete floor, and has a compact and colored high-performance wear-resistant floor. Its characteristics are: the color is optional, the surface is dense, it is not easy to dust and clean, but the corresponding material uses cement, so the color has certain limitations, making the optional color is not comprehensive. Moreover, if the quality of pigments and fillers is poor, the floor will probably fade. It can replace the traditional terrazzo flooring of industrial plant. The overall effect of the terrazzo flooring is basically the same as that of the traditional industrial terrazzo flooring. Only the aggregate is more detailed. Synchronized construction with cement concrete can be put into use quickly. Because of synchronous construction, the use period is much shorter than other floors, and the construction area can reach thousands of square meters every day, and the use speed is very fast. The cost is relatively low, and the cost of diamond wear-resistant floor is the lowest among all floors, and the cost-effective, wear-resistant, impact-resistant and compressive properties are excellent, making the diamond wear-resistant floor the highest cost-effective in all floors. The service life of the diamond wear-resistant floor can generally reach 8 to 10 years as long as it can be nursed normally. If the diamond wear-resistant floor is treated with sealant and curing agent, its service life can be increased by nearly 1 to 2 times. For most industrial enterprises, the diamond wear resistant floor is the best choice.
三、混凝土密封固化劑地坪: 混凝土密封固化劑地坪從60年代首次問世於美國,至今已有五、六十年的發展歷史。 它的優點眾多,使得它在首次問世後便迅速在美國及歐洲等資本主義高速發展的國傢,隨著人們的研究與改進,使它有較為成熟的工藝。
3. Concrete Sealing and Curing Agent Floor: Concrete Sealing and Curing Agent Floor was first published in the United States in the 1960s, and has a history of 50 or 60印花地坪 years. It has many advantages, which make it develop rapidly in capitalist countries such as the United States and Europe after its first appearance. With people's research and improvement, it has more mature technology.
混凝土密封固化劑地坪主要是以水做載體的無毒化學劑制品,水對混凝土的滲透性很強,所以它會與混凝土密封固化劑一起滲透到混凝土表面以下6-8毫米的深度 ,並與混凝土產生化學反應,使混凝土間的細小縫隙、混凝土澆築施工中有可能產生的氣孔及混凝土骨料間隙得到填充填實並結合,然而大大提高混凝土的密度和強度,使地坪6-8毫米表面形成固化整體,加強瞭抗壓性耐磨性,避免瞭混凝土本身產生的灰塵,經拋光打磨後會產生明亮自然光澤,隨使用時間越長,光感會自然加強。無需打蠟和維護清潔時,隻需正常手段,如拖把沾水,掃把幹掃都可以。對於一些性能優良的混凝土密封固化劑地坪來說,使用壽命是所有地坪中最長的,通常會使用在國外下水道,碼頭等長期存在,還有經常變動的地方。對於需要長期保存的,長時間不變動的倉庫碼頭等地方,混凝土密封固化劑地坪是一個很好的選擇。
The concrete sealant and curing agent floor is mainly a non-toxic chemical product with water as the carrier. Water has a strong permeability to concrete, so it will penetrate into the depth of 6-8 mm below the surface of concrete together with the concrete sealant and curing agent. It will react with concrete to make small cracks between concrete and concrete pouring. Porosity and concrete aggregate gap may be filled and consolidated during construction. However, the density and strength of concrete are greatly increased, the 6-8mm surface of the floor is solidified as a whole, the compressive resistance and wear resistance are strengthened, the dust produced by concrete itself is avoided, and bright natural light will be produced after polishing and polishing. The longer the time of use, the more natural the light perception will be. Without waxing and cleaning, only normal means, such as mop washing and broom dry sweep, can be done. For some excellent concrete sealant floors, the service life is the longest of all floors, usually used in foreign sewers, wharfs and other long-term existence, there are frequent changes. For warehouses, wharfs and other places that need long-term preservation and remain unchanged for a long time, concrete sealing and curing agent floor is a good choice.
Floor users want to have long-term planning, reasonable choice is an important link, he can help you introduce unnecessary expenditure, a high-quality floor not only has a great impact on the ground itself, but also has a great impact on high-tech machinery, good selection can make the machine electrostatic, dust and other large reduction. Less, let you get the greatest benefit with the least investment.
Floor is not only long X width = area, but also the bearing and inheritance of corporate image, which emits the spirit of the enterprise. The quality of the floor is not only a symbol of the strength of the company and the enterprise, but also a symbol of the attitude and development potential of the company and the enterprise.