
文章时间:2018-11-05 02:20:26   浏览次数:1176

雙金屬翅片管由基管(如鋼管,銅管)和鋁管在翅片管機上冷軋復合成型,也稱鋼(銅)鋁復合翅片管或軋片管。它克服瞭鋁和其它金屬不能焊接的缺點,利用基管的耐壓性和鋁的高效傳熱性、可塑性,突出瞭兩種材料在工藝上的特點。具有其它類型翅片管不可比擬的優點。The bimetal finned tube is formed by cold rolling of the base tube (such as steel tube, copper tube) and aluminum tube on the finned tube machine, also known as steel (copper) aluminum composite finned tube or rolled tube. It overcomes the disadvantage that aluminum and other metals can n透水地坪ot be welded, and highlights the technological characteristics of the two materials by making use of the pressure resistance of the base tube and the high efficiency heat transfer and pl印花地坪asticity of aluminum. It has the unparalleled advantages of other types of finned tubes.重量輕:鋁的比重是常用有色金屬和黑色金屬中最小的,輕金屬的翅片材質決定瞭用它制造的熱交換器具有重量輕的特點。Lightweight: Aluminum is the smallest proportion of common non-ferrous and ferrous metals, light metal fin material determines the use of its heat exchanger with light weight characteristics.傳熱性能高:鋁的導熱性約211.9W/m?K,較銀銅而言成本更低,性價比更高。導熱性能好的物體,往往吸熱快,散熱也快。High heat transfer performance: the thermal conductivity of aluminum is about 211.9W/m. K, lower cost and higher cost performance than silver and copper. Objects with good thermal conductivity tend to absorb heat quickly and dissipate heat quickly.空氣阻力小:雙金屬翅片管加工成型後翅片表面光滑無褶皺。空氣可以從翅片間距內輕易穿透。The air resistance is small: the finned surface of the bimetal finned tube is smooth without wrinkles. Air can be easily penetrated from the fin spacing.接觸熱阻低:實踐證明,雙金屬翅片管在210度以下的工作环境中接觸熱阻幾乎為零。低接觸熱阻是高效傳熱的性能保證。Low contact thermal resistance: Practice has proved that the contact thermal resistance of bimetal finned tube in the working environment below 210 degrees is almost zero. Low contact thermal resistance is the guarantee of high efficiency heat transfer.散熱面積大:雙金屬翅片管翅化比最大可達22.7。單位散熱面積遠大於常規繞片散熱管。The heat dissipation area is large: the fin to tube ratio of bimetallic fins can reach up to 22.7. The heat dissipation area of the unit is much larger than that of the conventional winding tube.使用壽命長:雙金屬翅片管在加工的過程中,基管和鋁翅片緊密的復合成一體。並在基管表面形成0.5mm厚的一層包覆層,保護基管不與外界环境空氣接觸,可提高使用壽命。Long service life: bimetal finned tube in the process of processing, the base tube and aluminum fin close composite integration. A 0.5mm-thick cladding layer is formed on the surface of the base pipe to protect the base pipe from contact with ambient air, which can improve the service life.雙金屬翅片管還具有不易結塵,不易結垢。易清洗和排除表面積水,對溫度的特變有良好的抗力,能長期保持良好的傳熱性能等特點。Bimetallic finned tube is also difficult to deposit and is not easy to scale. It is easy to clean and remove surface water, has good resistance to temperature changes, and can maintain good heat transfer performance for a long time.辛苦整理.轉載請註明http://www.wxsxsjx.com