
文章时间:2018-11-01 11:02:05   浏览次数:1143

In the construction quality management, the film thickness management is a more important item. The so-called film thickness management is the process of controlling the film thickness in the construction of epoxy floor paint, testing and analyzing the film thickness after construction, distinguishing and quality feedback and treatment. The purpose of film thickness management is to make the thickness of epoxy floor coatings meet the design requirements to ensure protection performance, but also to avoid waste caused by excessive thickness.
Epoxy floor coating has clear requirements for each item M of film thickness management. For example, in the design of coating process, there are strict requirements for the thickness of thick film and dry film to be achieved in each line, and they should be implemented according to requirements.
Film thickness management includes wet film thickness measurement and dry film thickness detection. Wet film thickness is usually detected in the coating process, when each painting is completed. Dry film thickness can be measured during construction, but the total dry film thickness must be checked after construction.
1. wet film thickness test
Wet film thickness measurement is generally used by the coater to gu透水地坪ide the construction staff to determine the expected dry film thickness required to coat the specified amount of paint. There are two kinds of wet film thickness gauge: wet film thickness gauge and wet film thickness comb gauge. The methods and techniques of wet film thickness are introduced. The advantage of the wet film thickness gauge is that it can check and correct the improper film thickness during the coating process. If the builder knows the wet film thickness, the dry film thickness can be estimated by multiplying this data by the volume percentage of the solid content of the paint. Or the builder can estimate the dry film thickness by the amount of paint used in small area construction and combining the recommended data in the product specification.
It is difficult to repair after destructive test in practice, so the determination of wet film thickness and the cumulative thickness of each coating and the control of coating dosage (such as the construction of solvent-free self-leveling floor coating) can often be used to replace the determination of total dry film thickness.
2. detection of dry film thickness
The importance of measuring the thickness of dry film is to ensure that the coating reaches the speci环氧地坪fied thickness and avoid premature failure of the coating due to inappropriate thickness, especially for floor coating. The measurement of dry film thickness must be made by dry film thickness gauge after the film is completely dried.
There are destructive thickness gauge and caliper commonly used in the dry film thickness measuring instrument. When testing, the choice of measuring points should be noted for representativeness. Since testing is destructive, sampling and inspection can only be done at corners and without affecting the appearance. The requirements for film thickness are generally as follows: the average value of all test points should not be lower than 90% of the specified dry film thickness; the number of test points that do not reach the specified dry film thickness should not exceed 10% of the total number of test points. Those who have not reached the prescribed thickness should be treated as follows: the qualified rate is less than 80%, which needs to be repaired completely; the qualified rate is 80% - 90%, which should be repaired locally according to the situation. Many coatings exceed the prescribed standards, generally not a problem, but has brought excessive loss of coatings and the increase in the cost of coating. Due to excessive thickness of the coating will affect the volatilization of the solvent and completely dry, as well as the solidification of the next coating, excessive thickness of the coating may also produce wrinkles or cracks and other defects, it should be noted. When the thickness of the membrane exceeds 10% of the maximum dry film thickness, we should try to solve it.