
文章时间:2019-02-24 12:37:02   浏览次数:1484

The reasons why the surface of epoxy floor paint is dull and dull are as follows: 1. Because of the greed for cheapness, epoxy floor paint has been chosen for materials with relatively low price but poor quality, resulting in the construction of epoxy floor paint can not achieve the desired effect. 2. When using epoxy floor paint materials, excessive diluents were not added a印花地坪ccording to the requirements of manufacturers, or the selected diluents were not matched, boiling point was low and volatilization was too fast. 3、在上一道塗層未完全幹透就進行面漆的施工,導致环氧地坪漆黯淡無光。
3. The application of topcoat before the last coat is completely dried leads to a dull epoxy floor paint.
4. The base floor is not polished flat by using floor grinder, and the ground is rough, which results in the unevenness of epoxy floor paint after construction. The light refraction results in the insufficient gloss of the coating surface.
5. When epoxy floor paint is constructed, the ambient temperature is too high. Excessive temperature will cause wrinkling of the floor paint and affect the gloss of the surface.
6. The environmental humidity of epoxy floor paint construction site is too high (the relative humidity is over 80%), which causes 透水地坪the epoxy floor paint film to become white and lose luster after absorbing water.
Method to avoid dull epoxy floor paint:
1. Choose materials with quality assurance produced by regular floor paint manufacturers.
2. In strict accordance with the requirements of flooring paint manufacturers, add diluents for epoxy flooring paint.
3. When topcoat is applied, it must wait for the top coat to be completely dry.
4. Before the construction of epoxy floor paint, it is necessary to use floor grinder to smooth the ground and clean up the oil and sundries.
5. The optimum construction temperature of epoxy floor paint is 5-25 degrees Celsius, and high temperature period should be avoided during construction.
6. The ambient humidity should not be higher than 80% during the construction of epoxy floor paint.