
文章时间:2019-02-23 13:55:11   浏览次数:1525

The development of many industries in our life is inseparable from the muffling floor. Sometimes some insignificant factors may lead to a big gap. For example, the water-borne epoxy resin refers to the stable dispersion system of epoxy resin in the form of particles or droplets dispersed in the dispersing medium with water as continuous phase. Waterborne epoxy resin coatings have many advantages besides solvent-based epoxy resin coatings. 四大優勢
Four advantages 1、是適應能力強
1. Strong adaptability 對眾多底材具有極高的附著力,固化後的塗膜耐腐蝕性和耐化學藥品性能優異,並且塗膜收縮小、硬度高、耐磨性好、電氣絕緣性能優異等;
It has high adhesion to many substrates, excellent corrosion resistance and chemical resistance of the cured film, small shrinkage, high hardness, good wear resistance, excellent electrical insulation performance, etc. 2、是环保性能好
2. Good environmental protection performance 還具有不含有機溶劑或揮發性有機化合物含量較低,不會造成空氣污染,因而滿足當前环境保護的要求;
It also has no organic solvents or volatile organic compoun印花地坪ds, low content, will not cause air pollution, thus meeting the current requirements of environmental protection;
3. Real water-based 以水作為分散介質,價格低廉、無氣味、不燃,儲存、運輸和使用過程中的安全性也大為提高;
With water as dispersing medium, the price is low, odorless and non-flammable, and the safety in storage, transportation and use is greatly improved.
4. Good operability 水性环氧樹脂塗料的施工操作性能好,施工工具可用水直接清洗,可在室溫和潮濕的环境中固化,有合理的固化時間环氧地坪,想知道水性环氧地坪的優勢嗎並保證有很高的交聯密度。這是通常的水性丙烯酸塗料和水性聚氨酯塗料所無法比擬的。
Waterborne epoxy resin coatings have good construction performance, construction tools can be washed directly with water, can be cured in room temperature and humid environment, and have a reasonable curing time floor. Want to know the advantages of waterborne epoxy floor and ensure a high crosslinking density. This is incomparable with conventional waterborne acrylic coatings and waterborne polyurethane coatings.