
文章时间:2019-02-22 02:53:41   浏览次数:1461

Epoxy floor and diamond wear-resistant floor are widely used in underground garage floor materials. Epoxy floor is composed of high performance epoxy resin and curing agent. It is a seamless and beautiful industrial floor. 1. Seamless, easy to clean and maintain; 2. Various colors, bright and clean, beautiful; 3. Waterproof, mildew-proof, bacteriostasis and impermeability; 4. Effective resistance to chemical erosion, strong adhesion. 5. Wear-resistant and scratch-resistant performance is poor; 6. It is easy to be polluted and needs frequent maintenance; 7. It can not resist underground moisture; 8. Its service life is short and needs frequent renovation to affect normal use. Suitable for places without frequent vehicle walking, heavy impact and hard friction. Such as: workshop, machine room, warehouse, laboratory, ward, operating room, workshop, etc.
Diamond sand wear-resisting floor is commonly known as wear-resisting and harde透水地坪ning floor in China. Its wear-resisting floor material mainly consists of special cement, aggregate, pigment powder, additives and so on.
1. It has good wear resistance, impact resistance and compression resistance.
2. It is a substitute for 环氧地坪traditional terrazzo.
3. The surface is dense, dustproof and easy to clean.
4. Practical and durable, without frequent maintenance and maintenance;
5. Long service life.
The colour is not as gorgeous and saturated as the epoxy floor, only four colours are red, yellow, green and grey.
Can withstand frequent vehicle walking, heavy impact, hard objects friction place.
Such as: all kinds of industrial, civil and commercial parking lots. Both epoxy floor and diamond floor have their own advantages and disadvantages. There is no cost difference between them. According to the different application sites, the choice is different.