
文章时间:2019-02-13 07:38:53   浏览次数:1472

环氧地坪從面世以來,一向以平面、光亮作為賣點,各種工藝、各個品種應有盡有,色澤就更不用說瞭,不光是五顏六色,而且由於是使用有色 彩砂所配,顏色不褪不變,根據業主的愛好調配,充分體現瞭人性化、和諧化,特別是其堅韌而又幹凈的表面,橘皮花紋平整、均勻,防滑又易清洗,而且當業 主想要更換新的环氧地坪時,覆塗翻新易如反掌,人們正在逐步把工業环氧地坪引入傢庭 及公共社交場所,把环氧地坪的設計當做一門藝術來發展.
Since the epoxy flooring came out, it has always been sold with plane and brightness. All kinds of crafts and varieties are available, not to mention all kinds of colors. Not only is it colorful, but also because of the use of colored sand, the color does not fade and remains unchanged. According to the owner's hobbies, it fully embodies humanization and harmony, especially its tough and clean surface, orange peel pattern. Smooth, uniform, non-slip and easy to clean, and when owners want to replace the new floor, the renovation of the overcoat is as easy as the palm, people are gradually introducing the industrial floor into the family and public social places, the design of epoxy floor as an art to develop. 环氧地坪漆塗料自身性質。不同顏色的环氧地坪漆遮蓋力不同,顏色越淺,遮蓋力越差。為形成統一美觀的环氧地坪,就需要徹底遮住原地面的各種污點。當使用的是淺色环氧地坪漆時,往往需要多刷塗幾遍,才能形成足夠遮住原地面的环氧地坪漆塗層。所以,如果對地面顏色要求不是太高,濟南固化地坪可盡量選擇顏色深一點、遮蓋力好一點的地坪漆。
The properties of epoxy floor paint. Different colours of epoxy floor paint have different covering power. The lighter the colour, the worse the covering power. In order to form a uniform and beautiful epoxy floor, it is necessary to comp印花地坪letely cover all kinds of stains on the original ground. When light-coloured epoxy floor paint is used, it often needs to be brushed several times to form an epoxy floor paint coating that can cover the original ground sufficiently. Therefore, if the requirements for ground color are not too high, Jinan solidified floor paint can be chosen as far as possible with darker color and better covering power.
Construction technology level of workers. The construction technology of epoxy floor paint builders will also affect the use of floor paint materials. Skilled workers can save some materials while dipping and painting, and at the same time get good floor effect.
环氧地坪不光是用料清楚,貨真價實,業主與施工者相互之間 的信任更容易建立起來, 濟南固化地坪施工工藝雖然要求非常嚴格,工序清晰,但又非常簡單,產品設計的時候就充分體現瞭為用戶著想的施工方案,非常人性化。环氧地坪產品達到瞭工業和藝術的結合,美觀、耐磨、防水、防腐特性 遠超木地板。环保、耐壓、抗沖擊強度、防滑效果大大勝於瓷磚、大理石,鋪裝 簡便、修補、重塗性能是其他所有地板、地坪都不及的,相信一個新穎的、美觀的、人性化的、簡便耐用的环氧地坪時代已經來臨瞭。环氧地坪的優勢眾多,但是做好一個優良的环氧地坪工程是有著很高的要求的。
Epoxy flooring is not only clear in material, genuine in price, but also easy to build trust between owners and builders. Although the construction technology透水地坪 of Jinan solidified flooring is very strict and clear in process, it is very simple, which fully reflects the user-oriented construction plan in product design and is very humanized. Epoxy flooring products achieve the combination of industry and art, beautiful, wear-resistant, waterproof, anti-corrosion characteristics far exceed wood flooring. Environmental protection, pressure resistance, impact strength and anti-skid effect are much better than ceramic tiles and marble. The paving is simple, repairing and re-painting performance is inferior to all other floors and floors. I believe that a new, beautiful, humanized, simple and durable epoxy flooring era has come. There are many advantages of epoxy flooring, but it has high requirements to do a good epoxy flooring project.