
文章时间:2019-02-12 02:08:56   浏览次数:1481

水磨石地面起灰怎麼辦應采用什麼环氧地坪材料處理比較好,下面為大傢介紹:目前很多廠房由於环氧地坪材料使透水地坪用時間很長,或者是一直地面沒有處理過所以出現瞭一些問題,比如說地面材料起砂,环氧地坪材料起砂,地面材料起灰,环氧地坪材料起灰等,地坪材料出現很多坑窪,地坪材料起殼等很多問題: 普通水泥混凝土舊地面,一般使用數年後,在叉車的作用下地面會出現不同程度的起灰、起砂、起殼、開裂、空鼓現象,隨著使用年限的增長,加上碳化、水侵蝕和風化的作用,地坪表面會繼續粉化,影響正常使用。
What kind of epoxy flooring material should be used to deal with terrazzo floor ash? The following is an introduction: At present, many factories have some problems because of the long use time of epoxy flooring material or the fact that the ground has not been treated. For example, the flooring material sand, the flooring material sand, the flooring material ash, the flooring material ash, and so on, the flooring material appears. Many pits, crusting of floor materials and many other problems: common cement concrete old ground, after several years of general use, under the action of forklift trucks, the ground will appear different degrees of ash, sand, shell, cracking, empty drum phenomenon. With the growth of service life, coupled with the role of carbonization, water erosion and weathering, the ground surface will continue to be powdered, affecting normal use.
水磨石地面主要表現在表面粗糙、不堅實,走動後表面有松散的水泥灰,用手摸時就掉幹水泥面。隨著多次走動會出現砂粒松動或有成片水泥硬殼剝落,這屬於地面起沙,有的用小垂敲擊地面時有空鼓聲,在受重力後會出現開裂,這些都嚴重的破壞瞭地面的使用功能。 混凝土新地面及耐磨环氧地坪印花地坪,出現不同程度的起灰、起砂、起殼、現象。 一切室內外的混凝土地坪(隻要含有水泥)。均可硬化。
The terrazzo floor is mainly rough and unstable. After walking, there is loose cement paste on the surface. When touched by hand, the cement surface will be dried. Sand grains loosen or pieces of cement crust peel off as they move many times. This belongs to the sand-lifting of the ground. Some of them have empty drums when they hit the ground with a small pendulum and crack after being subjected to gravity, which seriously destroys the use function of the ground. New concrete floors and wear-resistant epoxy floors have different degrees of ash, sand, shell and phenomena. All indoor and outdoor concrete floors (as long as they contain cement). All can harden.
Apart from bleeding, lime, sand and peeling on terrazzo floor may also be caused by insufficient maintenance time or excessive loss of water. If the curing time is insufficient, it will cause a large amount of evaporation of water in the sun or dry air. The evaporation of surface water is faster than the bleeding speed of concrete, which will lead to a large amount of volatilization of surface water. Cement will slow down or even stop hydration. If surface cement is not fully hydrated, it will not be able to reach the design strength, establish sufficient surface strength, and then flour or rise. Quality problems such as sand and peeling.