
文章时间:2019-02-02 14:06:10   浏览次数:1392

Generally, the life of epoxy flooring is 3-5 years under normal conditions. However, the application of epoxy flooring shows that its life is 1-2 years, some even less than 1 year. Therefore, most of the epoxy flooring is facing renovation or renovation. Then, how to construct the epoxy flooring renovation? Next, share the epoxy flooring renovation plan. In the inspection of the ground, it was found that there were cracks and hollows in the epoxy floor. The first step is to crack and knock out the drum area. The second step is to deal with the cracks, and then repair and leveling the ground. For the oil-contaminated ground, the ground is cleaned with detergent first, and then treated according to the normal floor painting scheme. 但是,這種环氧地坪改彩色沥清地坪造方案在實際中證明並沒有得到客戶的認可,印花地坪這是由於這種环氧地坪改造後仍舊還是會使得地面翻砂、起殼,究其根本原因是由於环氧地坪不耐磨,而工業、車間、廠房等這樣的場合不可避免要使用拖車、叉車,經過長期的輾壓後环氧地坪就會起殼、翻砂,因此,环氧地坪改造方案中一般選擇硬化處理。硬化後的环氧地坪不僅具有9級花崗巖耐磨硬度,還給地坪建立瞭保護層,防止瞭水、油、污等的滲入,讓地坪永久保持美觀,減少瞭企業的維修維護成本。
However, this kind of epoxy flooring renovation scheme has not been approved by customers in practice. This is because the epoxy flooring renovation will still cause sand turning and shelling on the ground. The fundamental reason is that the epoxy flooring is not wear-resistant. Trailers and forklifts are unavoidable in such occasions as industry, workshop and workshop. After long-term rolling, the epoxy flooring will be used. Shell will be raised and sand will be dumped. Therefore, hardening treatment is generally chosen in the modification scheme of epoxy flooring. The hardened epoxy floor not only has 9 grade granite wear resistance and hardness, but also establishes a protective layer for the floor, which prevents the infiltration of water, oil and dirt, keeps the floor beautiful forever and reduces the maintenance cost of enterprises.
Finally, the cracking and peeling of the epoxy floor will affect the image of the industrial plant, and will lead to low production efficiency. Therefore, the company suggests that the epoxy floor should be hardened to make the ground refreshed and renewed.