
文章时间:2019-02-11 07:13:02   浏览次数:1468

Epoxy floor has the advantages of seamless, good resistance, solid texture, dust-proof, anti-corrosion, low maintenance cost and convenient maintenance. It is a kind of wear-resistant, beautiful and high-strength floor, which is widely used in warehouses, workshops, underground parking lots, factory buildings and other places. At the same time, according to different use requirements can be divided into a variety of epoxy floors, such as anti-skid and wear-resistant coating, anti-corrosion coating, self-leveling floor, anti-static, mortar coating, etc. Zhengou said that no matter what type, in the use process, proper maintenance and care can make the floor always fresh, shiny and extended service life, so regular maintenance of epoxy floors is It's very necessary. Zhengou Xiaobian has arranged several methods of epoxy floor maintenance for you, let's take a look at them together.
1. 不濫用機械,避免重擊、刮磨;
1. Do not abuse machinery to avoid heavy blow and scratch.
2. 表層保持潔凈,油漬和污垢及時清除;
2. Keep the surface clean and remove oil stains and dirt in time.
3. 局部被刮花或磨損,要及時修補,在清洗地面時,被輕微損壞的地坪要及時用幹佈處理好,防止污漬沉積導致深度破損;
3. When scratched or worn locally, it should be repaired in time. When cleaning the ground, the slightly damaged ground should be treated with dry cloth in time to prevent deep damage caused by stain deposition.
4. 粗硬砂粒、泥漿灑落在地面時,要及時清理,以免砂礫磨傷地面;
4. When hard sand and mud are sprinkled on the ground, they should be cleaned up in time to avoid grit abrasion.
5. 要註意避免化學品污染,這個損傷比較大;
5. Attention should be paid to avoiding chemical pollution, which is more harmful.
6. 頑固油污、灰層,可適當使用清潔劑清潔,或者用鋸末吸附油漬;环氧地坪
6. The stubborn oil stain and ash layer can be cleaned by proper use of detergent or by adsorbing oil stain with sawdust.
7. 佈蠟保養+拋光:先對地坪進行佈蠟,等蠟層幹透再用拋光機拋光,可增加地面光澤度,起到保護地坪彩色沥清地坪的作用。
7. Wax cloth maintenance + polishing: first wax cloth on the floor, such as wax layer dry and then polished with a polishing machine, can increase the gloss of the ground, play a role in protecting the floor.