
文章时间:2019-02-05 15:07:30   浏览次数:1370

Recently, we found in customer service work, some customers call or consult the floor products online, the first is to consult the price of floor paint, if the price is slightly higher, no longer contact. Epoxy flooring manufacturer Xiaobian believes that when we choose epoxy flooring, we should consider from many aspects. Here, Xiaobian gives you a 彩色沥清地坪brief discussion of some misunderstandings in the choice of lower flooring paint. 在價格上,我們應該從企業信譽、產品口碑、價格等多方面綜合考慮。如果首先以價格因素先入為主,那是要不得的。很多時候都是一分價錢一分貨,最近有的地坪企業為瞭抓住客戶,以很低的價格接單,在施工的時候偷工減料,導致做出來的地坪質量不好,這樣對於消費者來說反而是得不償失。我們在選擇的時候,應該在企業信譽口碑都值得我們信賴的前提下,再來比較價格,或者進一步在價格上進行溝通。在具體選擇上,需要盡可能的將一些小的因素都考慮好,比如地坪顏色,售後服務等,並在合同裡標明清楚,以免日後發生一些不必要的糾紛。
In terms of price, we should consider comprehensively from the aspects of enterprise reputation, product reputation, price and so on. If the price factor is the first priority, it is not desirable. Most of the time, it is a price-for-money purchase. Recently, in order to catch custom透水地坪ers and take orders at a very low price, some floor enterprises cut corners during construction, resulting in poor quality of the floor, which is not worth the loss for consumers. When choosing, we should compare the prices on the premise that the reputation and reputation of enterprises are worthy of our trust, or further communicate on the price. In the specific selection, we need to consider as many small factors as possible, such as floor color, after-sales service, etc., and clearly indicate in the contract, in order to avoid some unnecessary disputes in the future.