
文章时间:2019-02-05 15:02:58   浏览次数:1371

驕陽似火、烈日炎炎。大地像蒸籠一樣,熱得使人喘不過氣來。走在路上,迎面的風似熱浪襲來。知瞭不住地在枝頭發著令人煩躁地叫聲,像是在替烈日吶喊助威。如今又到瞭出門五分鐘,流汗兩小時的時期,朋友圈都在感慨“熱啊熱啊”。這麼熱的天氣,环氧地坪還可以施工嗎?施工需要註意些什麼呢?今天弗美克小編就給大傢說透水地坪說 天氣如此炎熱的情況下环氧地坪施工方面的問題。據环氧地坪施工班長介紹,天氣炎熱,室內环氧地坪施工是不受影響的,但是如果是室外施工,還是應該盡量避免中午等特別炎熱時段,因為夏天除瞭天氣熱以外,紫外線也是非常嚴重的,對环氧地坪會有影響。那麼,炎炎夏日环氧环氧地坪施工需要註意一些什麼問題呢?總的來說,應該有這樣幾個方面格外引起重視。
The sun is burning like fire and the sun is scorching. The earth is like a steamer. It's too hot to breathe. Walking on the road, the wind is like a heat wave. Knowing that there was a restless cry on the branch, like a cry of support for the scorching sun. Now it's time to go out for five minutes and sweat for two hours, and the circle of friends is feeling "hot ah hot ah". Can the epoxy floor be constructed in such hot weather? What should we pay attention to in construction? Today, we will talk about the construction of epoxy flooring in such hot weather. According to the team leader of epoxy floor construction, indoor epoxy floor construction is not affected by hot weather, but if it is outdoor construction, we should try to avoid the special hot period such as noon, because in summer, besides hot weather, ultraviolet radiation is also very serious, which will affect the epoxy floor. So, what problems should we pay attention to in the construction of epoxy flooring in hot summer? Generally speaking, we should pay more彩色沥清地坪 attention to these aspects. 首先,應該保證施工場所通風。因為环氧环氧地坪材料是雙組份材料,环氧樹脂和固化劑組成的,在施工過程中會揮發一些化學物質,尤其是环氧底塗施工的時候,底塗為瞭更好的滲入到地底形成封閉基面,一般材料都添加瞭溶劑,环氧地坪材料各種揮發氣體一般在8小時內揮發中瞭,沒有殘留。但是在高氣溫下揮發的更快,一時間驟然揮發,如果通風不佳甚至密閉狹小空間內極易形成氣團,給施工師傅帶來身體不適。
Firstly, ventilation should be guaranteed in the construction site. Because the epoxy floor material is composed of two components, epoxy resin and curing agent, some chemical substances will volatilize in the construction process, especially in the construction of epoxy floor coating, in order to better infiltrate into the ground to form a closed base surface, general materials are added with solvents, epoxy floor material volatile gases generally within 8 hours, there is no residual. But volatilization is faster at high temperature and volatilizes suddenly in a short time. If the ventilation is not good or even the airtight space is very easy to form air masses, which will bring physical discomfort to the construction master.
Secondly, the hot weather should prevent construction workers from heatstroke. In such hot weather, even if you sit at home, you will sweat, let alone work on site. On the construction site, the constructors should pay close attention to the weather forecast of high temperature weather, strictly implement the measures of avoiding high temperature, adjust the system of work and rest time for high temperature operation in summer, reduce labor intensity, strictly control outdoor operation time, avoid high temperature operation, and ensure the health and safety of workers. When the temperature is too high, the working and sleeping time should be adjusted to 7:30-11:00 in the morning and 15:30-19:00 in the afternoon. The construction site should provide enough drinking tea and mung bean soup to meet the hygienic requirements so as to effectively prevent and cool down the heat and avoid the occurrence of heatstroke. Construction personnel are required to carry with them anti-heat medicines, such as Rendan, cool oil, wind oil essence, Huoxiang Zhengqi water, tea and so on, to implement the anti-heat and cooling items of each worker.
Thirdly, one-time ingredients can not be mixed too much. Epoxy flooring materials belong to two-component materials. Epoxy resin A and curing agent B need to be mixed in accordance with the prescribed ratio before they can be used. Under high temperature environment, the reaction rate of epoxy resin and curing agent is aggravated. The same material should be reduced by half or more at one time under high temperature. It is necessary to ensure that the prepared material is used within 15 minutes. If the time is too long, the A/B material will react chemically to form curing, which will not only reduce the leveling, but also directly affect the appearance effect. And waste of materials.
Fourth, check the weather forecast in time. In case of sudden change of weather, construction should be stopped immediately when damp-proof weather occurs. Epoxy flooring material belongs to oily material and is afraid of water. Once the ground moisture returns, water stains will be formed, which will affect the later construction. If there is moisture and vapor ground construction, it will cause problems such as skin blistering and delamination of the late formed floor. Therefore, in the case of severe moisture regain weather, we must pay attention to the shutdown.
第五,要及時留意殺滅施工現場的蚊蟲。總所周知,夏天除瞭天氣炎熱之外 還有一大煩惱就是蚊蟲較多,而這些蚊蟲飛舞落入未幹透的环氧地坪塗層上的時候,就會被粘結,影響地坪效果。我們應該註意在地坪做每一遍塗層之前,必定要先噴灑滅蟲氣霧劑,並在每道工序施工停止後密封門窗,特別面塗施工前必定要完全殺滅各類運動蟲豸,不然將會在环氧地坪表面構成無法消除的黑斑、曲紋等瑕疵。
Fifth, we should pay attention to killing mosquitoes on the construction site in time. As we all know, in addition to the hot weather in summer, there is a big worry that mosquitoes are more, and these mosquitoes fly into the unperfected epoxy floor coating, will be bonded, affecting the effect of the floor. We should pay attention to spraying insecticide aerosol before every coating on the floor, and sealing doors and windows after each process is stopped. Before special surface coating, we must completely kill all kinds of sportsworms. Otherwise, the surface of the epoxy floor will form irremovable defects such as black spots, curves and so on.