
文章时间:2018-11-16 01:22:32   浏览次数:1236

The lattice bricks in hot blast stove are made of high temperature and chromium resistant ca印花地坪st iron RTCr2. The maximum exhaust gas temperature is allowed to reach 450 C and the average exhaust gas temperature is 345 C. The exhaust gas temperature increases, increasing the storage capacity of the middle and lower checker bricks, thereby enhancing the air temperature. The structure of the precombustion chamber prevents the flame from directly contacting with the refractory masonry, and the temperature of the precombustion chamber does not exceed 900 C, which has no direct influence on the refractory bricks and local overheating. The service life of the whole hot blast stove is only determined by the service life of the silicon brick vault, which is expected to reach 20-30a. This provides a uniform and symmetrical distribution of the temperature of the vault, the lattice brick, the refractory lining and the shell, reduces the temperature stress and greatly enhances the stability of the hot blast stove. 采用低壓脈沖式佈袋除塵凈化煤氣工藝,減少瞭耐火磚的化學侵蝕,可確保格子磚使用壽命。拱頂、預燃室球頂爐殼內表面噴塗80mm厚的耐酸噴塗料,在高溫作用下,噴塗料與鋼殼結成一體,有保護鋼殼和絕熱的雙重作用,既減少瞭熱損失,又提高瞭熱效率。
The low-pressure pulse bag dust removal process is adopted to purify gas, which reduces the chemical erosion of refractory bricks and ensures the service life of lattice bricks. The inner surface of dome and spherical top furnace shell of precombustion chamber is sprayed with 80 mm thick acid-resistant spraying coating. Under the action of high temperature, the spraying coating is 彩色沥清地坪integrated with steel shell, which has the dual function of protecting steel shell and adiabating heat. It not only reduces heat loss, but also improves heat efficiency.
Reasonable air supply time and working cycle, make full use of effective heat storage, strengthen the heat exchange between the middle and lower parts, and reduce the heat fluctuation in the high temperature part of the hot blast stove. It not only prolongs the life of refractories, but also reduces the difference between wind and temperature, and improves the actual air supply temperature.