
文章时间:2018-11-11 12:25:14   浏览次数:1211

翅片管中哪些參數對散熱量有影響?高頻焊翅片管,它也是翅片管中的一種。基於前面已有高頻焊翅片管的一些知識內容,因此今天小編就來講些別的,就比如翅片管,這樣可以拓寬我們的知識面,從而增加我們的知識量,所以大傢要認真學習,及時掌握,或許以後還能夠派上用場呢。Which parameters of fin tube affect heat dissipation? High frequency welding finned tube is also one of the finned tubes. Based on the previous knowledge of high-frequency welding finned tubes, so today's edition will talk about some other, such as finned tubes, which can broaden our knowledge, thereby increasing our knowledge, so we need to study carefully, master in time, perhaps in the future can also be useful.翅片管中的一些參數等,對散熱量究竟有啥影響呢?下面小編就來進行分析與解說,讓大傢能夠清楚明白。What is the effect of some parameters in finned tube on heat dissipation? The following is a short edition for analysis and explanation, so that you can clearly understand.接觸熱阻Contact thermal resistance其影響非常大,如果接觸熱阻不好的話,那麼對散熱量的影響將達到20%以上。Its impact is very large, if the contact thermal resistance is not good, then the impact on heat dissipation will reach more than 20%.翅片高度Fin height翅片高度提高瞭,那麼就會增加散熱面積,從而增加散熱量。但是,這也不能盲目增加,還要考慮尺寸合理性這一方面。The fin height is increased, then the heat dissipation area will be increased, thus increasing the heat dissipation. However, this can not be blindly increased, but also consider the dimension rationality.翅片間距Fin spacing翅片間距變小,則會增加散熱量,但是也不是越小越好,間距太小反而會帶來不良影響。所以一般賴安靜,兩管為3印花地坪—4mm,四管為4—5mm,六管為5—6mm。Small fin spacing will increase heat dissipat环氧地坪ion, but it is not the smaller the better, too small fin spacing will bring adverse effects. So in general Lai Anjing, the two tube is 3 - 4mm, the four tube is 4 - 5mm, and the six tube is 5 - 6mm.翅片管徑Fin tube diameter翅片管徑提高,那麼散熱量就會提高,不過其也有一些弊端。如果翅片高度比較小,且片距比較小的話,那麼管徑也要考慮到合理性這一方面。When the fin diameter is raised, the bulk heat will increase, but there are also some drawbacks. If the fin height is relatively small and the fin spacing is relatively small, then the tube diameter should also take into account the rationality of this aspect.翅片根數Fin root number增加翅片根數,雖然也能夠提高散熱量,但是會增加成本等,因此從經濟方面來考慮的話,不是很經濟劃算Increasing the number of fins can also increase the heat dissipation, but it will increase the cost and so on. Therefore, it is not economical to consider from the economic point of view.