Before the start-up of a new hot blast stove, chemical hot blast stove cleaning should be carried out to remove the high temperature oxidation rolled skin and silicon oxide skin formed in the process of manufacturing and sheet metal processing, as well as corrosion products, welding slag and sediment, grease coating and dirt brought in during storage, transportation and installation. If the stove is not cleaned before start-up, various impurities and adhesives in the water and steam system will cause the following hazards after the stove is put into operation. 直接妨礙管壁的傳熱或者導致水垢的產生,使爐管金屬過熱和損壞,縮短熱風爐的使用壽命。
It directly hinders the heat transfer of the tube wall or causes scale formation, which causes the overheating and damage of the tube metal and shortens the service life of the hot blast stove.
It c环氧地坪auses the corrosion of the hot blast stove in the sediment during operation, which causes the furnace tube to thin and perforate and cause bursting. Fragments and sediments are formed in the furnace water, which can cause blockage or damage normal steam and water flow conditions.
使爐水的含矽量、含鐵量等水質指標長期不合格,延長瞭機組的啟動時間,危害汽輪機的正常運行。 熱風爐啟動前進行熱風爐清洗,不僅有利用熱風爐的安全運行,還能改善熱風爐啟動階段的水汽質量,使之較快達到正常標準,縮短機組啟動到正常運行的時間。
The water quality indexes such as silicon content and iron content in boiler water are not up to standard for a long time, which prolongs the start-up time of the unit and endangers the normal operation of the steam turbine. Hot blast stove cleaning before start-up not only makes use of the safe operation of hot blast stove, but also improves the water vapor quality during start-up stage of hot blast stove, so that it can reach the normal standard quickly and shorten the time from start-up to normal operation of unit.
當機組投入運行後,固形物隨補給水帶入熱風爐,造成某些不溶物發生沉積,不及時除去,沉積物會在爐內累積,影響熱風爐的熱效率,影響瞭熱風爐安全運行,嚴重時會發生熱風爐大面積的爆管。 如果采用完善的化學水處理或在新爐投運前,進行爐前系統的熱風爐清洗,可使爐前系統的腐蝕產物減小到最小程度。高壓以上機組系統中完全沒有沉積也是不可能的,所以對於運行的熱風爐機組也必須定期進行化學式熱風爐清洗。 除垢的好處 熱風爐將無垢運行,大大減少燃料消耗; 減少瞭熱風爐清洗和維修成本;
When the unit is put into operation, solids are brought into the hot blast stove along with the recharge water, causing some insoluble substances to deposit, which will accumulate in the furnace if not removed in time, affecting the thermal efficiency of the hot blast stove, affecting the safe operation of the hot blast stove, and large-scale tube explosion of the hot blast stove will occur in serious cases. If perfect chemical water treatment is adopted or hot blast stove cleaning is carried out before the new furnace is put into operation, the corrosion products in the front system of the furnace can be minimized. It is also impossible that no deposits exist in the system of units above high pressure, so chemical hot stove cleaning must be carried out regularly for the units running in hot stove. The advantage of scale removal is that the hot blast stove will run without scale, greatly reducing fuel consumption, and reducing the cost of cleaning and maintenance of the hot blast stove.
避免因賀德克濾芯而產生的腐蝕、鼓包、變形、泄漏甚至爆炸等安全隱患; 大大的延長瞭熱風爐的使用壽命; 避免因熱風爐清洗或修理而停產造成的損失。
Avoid potential safety hazards such as corro印花地坪sion, bulging, deformation, leakage and even explosion caused by Hedeck filter element; greatly prolong the service life of hot stove; avoid loss caused by shutdown of hot stove cleaning or repair.