
文章时间:2018-11-11 02:47:27   浏览次数:1204

After a long period of operation, scaling and rust will inevitably occur in the process of using the gas hot blast stove. The main reason for scaling in the gas hot blast stove is that the hardness component in the feed water is continuously evaporated and concentrated thr彩色沥清地坪ough high temperature and high pressure. 燃氣熱風爐在運行時其爐內會發生其一系列的化學以及物理的反應,在使用的過程中最終會在受熱面上有效的形成其堅硬以及致密的水垢,這樣就會直接導致其換熱效率降低且因垢下腐蝕因素,會導致熱風爐水冷壁爐膛吸熱減少。
A series of chemical and physical reactions will take place in the gas hot blast stove when it is running. In the process of using, the hard and dense scale will be formed on the heating surface effectively, which will directly lead to the reduction of heat transfer efficiency and corrosion factors under the scale, which will lead to the reduction of heat absorpt印花地坪ion in the water-cooled wall furnace of the hot blast stove. Less.
In the process of increasing the outlet temperature of the gas-fired hot blast stove, the loss of the hot blast stove will be increased, and the scaling in the water wall of the equipment will effectively reduce its heat transfer effect, which will very likely lead to the increase of the wall temperature of the water wall and the bursting of the water wall.
The thermal conductivity of scale in gas-fired hot-blast stove is only one-tenth of that of steel in operation. When the heating surface of gas-fired hot-blast stove scales, the heat transfer effect will be hindered. In order to maintain a certain output of hot-blast stove in use, the temperature on the fire side must be raised.
Gas-fired hot stove can be cleaned by its efficient and environmentally friendly non-corrosive cleaning agent in the process of cleaning, which will make the pipes of equipment expose metal primary color and reduce the impact of scaling and biological algae sludge.
After ignition, it is necessary to observe the flue gas temperature and the temperature of the main steam, and the pressure rise of the main steam. When the hot air stove is ignited, the smoke temperature will rise slowly or the smoke temperature will not rise, so it is necessary to inspect the ignition of the oil gun in situ immediately.