
文章时间:2018-11-08 00:20:08   浏览次数:1192

How long will the epoxy floor construction work? Epoxy floor coatings have two kinds of materials, A and B, which are used according to the manufacturer印花地坪9;s instructions. Mismatching will cause dry floor and construction effect. How many matching of epoxy floor coatings can not be finished in a barrel, and curing reaction will not occur within a specified time, resulting in adverse construction effect. Before construction, consult the manufacturer to understand clearly. Chu, avoid construction difficulties and unnecessary waste. 环氧地坪施工幹燥時間根據氣溫而定,南方天氣塗一遍一般間隔4小時可施工二遍,一些氣溫較低的城市冬季情況下得6-8小時甚至會更長,环氧面漆施工完畢,氣溫20-30攝氏度以上表幹為4-6小時,實幹為12-24小時,0-10度以下實幹達到24小時以上。
The construction drying time of epoxy flooring depends on the temperature. In the south, it can be constructed twice in 4 hours interval. In winter, some cities with lower temperature can get 6-8 hours or even longer. The construction of epoxy top coat is finished. The surface drying t彩色沥清地坪ime of the surface with temperature above 20-30 degrees Celsius is 4-6 hours, the actual work is 12-24 hours, and the actual work below 0-10 degrees. More than 24 hours.