
文章时间:2019-02-24 12:43:37   浏览次数:1513

Correct application methods of floor paint, such as forklift truck and cart wheels with elastic rubber wheels, without scraping hard objects on the ground, in the production process, adding hardener, using good curing agent or increasing solid content of color paint can effectively increase the service life and wear resistance of products. Unique views on formulation can also solve this problem from the aspect of formulation system. The service life is closely related to the cleaning and maintenance of epoxy flooring. Especially for parking lots, there are many cars entering and leaving every day, and car tyres enter parking lots and lanes with sediment on the road outside, which makes the lanes very vulnerable to pollution and damage. Therefore, the above areas should be thoroughly cleaned every day. 優點:整體無縫,顏色純正飽和,可任意選擇幾種顏色搭配。表面光潔、極易清潔,防水防黴,抗滲,耐磨。
Advantages: the whole seamless, pure color saturation, can choose several color matching. The surface is smooth, easy to clean, waterproof and 印花地坪mildew-proof, impermeable and wear-resistant.
Construction Scheme of Garage Floor Paint
1. The parking area can adopt flat-coated epoxy floor for flat ground, while the ground with poor smoothness and surface strength can adopt epoxy mortar floor or epoxy resin self-leveling floor, and the color can be designed to be grey or green.
2、車行通道由於車行頻繁,相對於停車區,設計要加強,可采用 环氧樹脂砂漿地坪或环氧樹脂自流平地坪,顏色通常為綠色或灰色,車行通道寬度根據現場情況設置,通常雙向行車道不宜低於6米,單向行車道不宜低於3米,人行通道為1.5-2米,通道兩側劃中黃色標志線,線寬8-12mm。
2. Because of frequent traffic, the design of vehicle lane should be strengthened relative to parking ar透水地坪ea. Epoxy mortar floor or epoxy resin self-leveling floor can be used. The color is usually green or grey. The width of vehicle lane should be set according to the site conditions. Usually, the two-way lane should not be less than 6 meters, the one-way lane should not be less than 3 meters, the pedestrian lane should be 1.5-2 meters, and the Yellow marking line should be drawn on both sides of the lane with a width of 8-12 mm. 。
3. Yellow or white paint arrows can be used to mark the direction and point to parking areas, such as A parking area, B parking area and C parking area.
4. Parking spaces should be set up according to the structure of the parking ground area. Cars can usually be designed to be 2.5-3.0 meters X5-6 meters. The parking spaces should be marked with yellow or white markings with a width of 8-12 mm.
5. In order to increase the visibility of the parking lot column and avoid encountering the column due to reversing, yellow and white twill zebra lines can be used to mark the lower end of the column below 1.0-1.2 meters.